I don't know who the daddy is because I only got her yesterday from my LFS! She is yellow whereas her fry are black, so I don't know what they are going to look like!
If fry are black, they will have a metallic blue-green glitter. If they have some white/clear patches on them, they would have a secondary color there (usually red, orange or yellow, but since she is yellow, they would have yellow patches).
I'm expecting 2 of my fry to have red heads with the metallic blue-green like their daddy, one to be either completely white or red with red eyes and one might just be red with black eyes, unless he stays pink.
I think that 3 of them are female and one is male. But knowing their gender hiding, that could change as they grow...
WOW Thanks! You really know your stuff!
Well, on the aspect of fry, yeah, because I've had swordtail fry before and watched them grow.
On the proper care part, I'm in the muck right now even though I know what I should do but I can't.
Daily huge water changes, feeding sparsely, having plants in the box, that's all I can do until I make or buy a breeder net. Know any way to make a breeder net though?
The first ever fry I've had didn't benefit of daily water changes but more like once every 3 days in 100% change, they were in a tank that was smaller than this box. I'm surprised some of them survived, but I had no lid... they jumped overboard when they were teenagers. -.- I cried for the last one because I didn't know what I've stepped on until it was too late.