New Photos Of My Fish (Better Camera)


Fish Crazy
Jan 4, 2010
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I got a new camera that takes better pics, so heres some new pics of my fish.


I think the sailfin may be the daddy of mom to be's fry. He's always hovering around her even before she was noticably preggers.


Ein, Spike and Jet... they were sold to me as head/tail lights... but someone corrected me and told me they were neon black tetra. They're still cute.


here's 4 of the group I call 6pack... they're x-ray bellies. I couldn't get the other two in the picture because they were hiding behind the rock


Okasan... my pregnant dalmation molly. I can never get a good picture of her. The last few days she's been very active which makes me think she's almost ready.


my betta Genesis. I planted some new plants, got a nice background that shows off his colors, I still need to get a special light for the plants... its on order. Don't think the plants will make it though... he really likes the taste of em. This is 24 hours after his water change. Green algae is finally getting under control, water levels are great. I'm happy, he's happy, we're all happy.
I had originally gotten a kodak. I thought it would be the bees knees because it was a 12.1 mpx, 5.5 optic zoom, 3.5 LCD viewing screen, and a $159.00 price tag... I thought "wow, so cool. has to be good."

well if you saw my previous picture post attempt... you can see it was kind of grainy. So I went and exchanged it for a Sony cyber-shot. I had a sony previously which I broke dropping it a million times. lol. But it was a great little camera, so I figured, go back to the tried and true.

I still suck at taking pictures, but this time I know its me, not the camera. :lol:
Nice pic of Betta. Real good looking fish> The Bamboo in the tank is it real? And if so how long it been in tank and is it surviving well> I want to set up a Betta tank with bamboo but cant get fake stuff in Oz but have been told that live stuff will die and rot and harm water?


my bamboo is decorative only. Yeah, bamboo does not do well submerged... and also they need ample time in direct sunlight, which is bad for the tank.

of course this is real bamboo.

what 90% of people think about when they think bamboo, they are thinking of that lucky bamboo (which is not ACTUALLY a bamboo plant at all.)

they do "OK" submerged, but the top needs to be out of the water. some have had success with lucky bamboo, the majority of those I've talked to have not.

so I'd stick with decorative fake bamboo if you really want the look. You can more than likely find it online if you can't get it at pet stores near you.
your betta is very handsome. i love his coloration:)
but just so you know, he is not eating the plants. bettas dont eat plants. they need more of a meaty diet. id suspect some sort of deficiency that is harming the plants, not your handsome batta.
those black neons are very nice. havent seen them in real life until recently and now they are everywhere. a nice looking fish!
I actually saw him tearing at the plants. Don't know if he for sure ate them, but he was tearing at them.

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