New parrot



Hey Guys!

I just thought id post some pics of the parrot i picked up today! Her name is Magic! isn't she gorgeous? :) As you can see in the pics she's quite badly plucked (bad diet, stress, neglect) and has deformed feet! Im taking her to a vet next week to sort the feet out hopefully :)

Obviously she's not "my" bird. Ive permenantly fostered her from Birdline which is a charity who rescue and re-home parrots!! She's an absolute angel, she's the most affectionate, adorable little bird in the world and its such a shame she's got to this state... :( But hopefully i'll be able to sort her out a bit! Fingers crossed!


Anyway, Pics! :D

Here she is looking adorable!!! :wub:


With my African Grey Indie!! Look how tiny she is... bless!lol


This is my favourite picture!! She'd stolen peas from my mum's plate at dinner!! :rolleyes: lol


Isn't she gorgeous?!
You mean Indie? She wasn't cheap! :D But Magic i didn't actually pay for cos she's a rescued bird! :) But, if you wanted to buy one in the UK you'd have to spend WELL over £1000!! Galah's are actually quite rare over here! Strange though, cos in Australia where they're from they are considered a pest... Kind of like Pigeons over here i suppose!!

nice galah u have there, everyday about 5 to 10 galahs come around and sit on the pool fence and watch my other birds in their avaries, its so funny they just sit there and watch, i have feed them a couple of times but dont wanna keep feeding them in-case i have to move naytime soon, you just dunno is this world today
Aww, thanks! She is gorgeous and there will be hundreds of pics!! You wiont be able to escape them!:D

Aussie_Star - If you ever get too many send them to me! :D lol I LOVE Galah's, Ive always wanted one but they're so rare and expensive here i thought id never get one... Oh, and im VERY jealous you have them flying round your house... Id love to see that!!

aw she is very adorable, I love the pink colors. Isnt it strange that rare birds to some are pests in other countries? I have a Quaker Parrot which is illegal in many states in the US..and are considered horrible pests in Argentina, but they are legal here and I love mine to death :D
bittersweet said:
I have a Quaker Parrot which is illegal in many states in the US.
I have one quaker too. They're considered pests because they destroy crops! I can just imagine a flock of quakers going to the goods. Quakers are beautiful birds.

Your birds look extremely happy!
seeing your new bird chowing down on veggies and sitting with its new brother really shows that it is in for a long, healthy and most importantly happy life
good luck
keep the pics coming
Awww, thanks! :) I hope she's happy! She deserves it cos she's such a sweet bird but has so much wrong with her and has been treated really badly :(

She's been talking, whistling and singing today and has had a nice bath so i think she's feeling much better!! :)

She is really a beautiful bird. So nice of you to take her in.

My Nanday has deformed feet, and that has never stopped him from doing anything. The only thing he cannot do is eat food from his feet.

We have Quakers and Nandays here in FL that fly in flocks and are everywhere. In the morning, you will see a bunch of them on the ground, eating breakfast. It is so cool to see them in the wild like that.
Its hardly a chore having her!! Id seen her at a couple of the charity shows id helped out at and totally fell in love with her, she's adorable! :)

Im going to see a vet about the feet and see what he says. Im not too keen on having it done as she's survived the last nine years with her deformed feet, ive been thinking it may stress her out more having surgery then having to adapt to her new feet!!! Shall have to see what the vet says :)

Ive seen pics of your little Conure! He seens perfectly happy even with his foot problems! :) Hopefully Magic wont need the surgery!


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