New Ornate Bichir


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Definitely got an Ornate this time! Beautiful little guy. He's wild caught.

Seems to have settled well. The cichlids all eyed him up at first and he had a couple of pecks, but that's to be expected. They've realised he isn't 1) food or 2) a threat, so have left him alone now. Not seen much interaction with my Delhezi yet, but no obvious trouble. They are sharing the silk hanging plants.

Will get a photo tomorrow if I can, don't want to bug him yet.
My 16" Ornate is a complete *****. She is probably the most aggressive of my Polypterus.
She has killed and or eaten many fish including polys almost half her size!

Be careful what you put with it...
My 16" Ornate is a complete *****. She is probably the most aggressive of my Polypterus.
She has killed and or eaten many fish including polys almost half her size!

Be careful what you put with it...

He's only diddy! My Del is bigger and chunkier, and they are much ignoring each other at the moment. The Ornate is fair more active, and has a huge appetite.

Got some pics from tonight, bit blurry, but you get the idea :)




Oh and a cute one of my Del :lol:

Aha, it's a baby!
You are set to go then. Time to pump that little cutie up!
Aha, it's a baby!
You are set to go then. Time to pump that little cutie up!

Yeah, he's only about 3". He has a big appetite, and tried a bit of everything put in the tank. He likes the Hikari Carnivore pellets I put in for them. Took my Del a while to feed properly, but he's straight in there :)
My 16" Ornate is a complete *****. She is probably the most aggressive of my Polypterus.
She has killed and or eaten many fish including polys almost half her size!

Be careful what you put with it...

He's only diddy! My Del is bigger and chunkier, and they are much ignoring each other at the moment. The Ornate is fair more active, and has a huge appetite.

Got some pics from tonight, bit blurry, but you get the idea :)




Oh and a cute one of my Del :lol:

Wow! He's cute.
Nice Ornate, mine looked like that when younger but like most has lost the intensity of the colouring, mine's the most aggresive out of all of my fish.
Nice Ornate, mine looked like that when younger but like most has lost the intensity of the colouring, mine's the most aggresive out of all of my fish.

Yeah, it's a shame they loose a lot of their colour as they get older.

My little guy is just brilliant. He's always out and about looking for food, and quite intelligent. He knows if he waits in a certain spot under the wood, that the filter/powerhead blows some food underneath there during feeding time. He doesn't even need to forage about much - he gets the food blown straight in front of him and no one else knows it's there, so he can scoff it all :lol: :lol: :lol:

I want to get an Endlicheri as well. Will need to get one fairly soon as I am worried about the other bichirs and Boris getting bigger, and not accepting him.

The bundling thing, does that only happen with a number of the same type of bichir? Mine ignore each other, but the tank is large enough for them to rarely see each other. I know the Ornate will get huge :good:

Oh and what's the growth rate for these guys?
Mine all bundle together, and I have almost a complete collection of them (minus the P.Bichir Bichir in the grow out)

Here is an old pic of one of my Poly collections:
Nice Pic! Love the gar, ive got one growing out to go in with my bichir;s but its taking bloody ages!

My bichir's seem to bundle together, some move about the tank more than others though. All of my bichir;'s have grown quick to around 12inch then slowed down apart from my senegal which slowed down at about 8 inch. My biggest atm is a 15inch Lapredei which is really chunky too. Mine are in a 280ish Galon tank atm so i dont think the bunching is due to lack of space:)
Nah, space is not the reason. It's just somethng Bichirs do.
beautiful pics your such a lucky person, I have a hard time trying to find an ornate. spoil that baby :) im sure your going to make him very happy

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