New Nano Setup

Where is your bogwood? can not see it now :D

maybe u need a big one
Where is your bogwood? can not see it now :D

maybe u need a big one

I know the java moss went crazy and ate it :lol: I'm actually thinking of trying to get a few thin pieces to go along the back with just a little moss....or even riccia....attached to them.My lfs used to sell spiral bits.
Fantastic job. I describe it as a very welcoming tank. It really looks pleasant.

Thanks a lot.


I have added 12 cherry shrimp but it didnt quite go to plan and I lost about 5 of them(theres defo 7 left and 4 died including the only berried female :( )I think I might have ph shocked them but I did the drip method like I researched.The survivors seem to be calming down but still worry me a little.Also im getting hair algae and BB algae on 2 bunches of plants that are either extremely slow growers or are not fully aquatic so I may remove them although I dont want to mess with the tank too much while the shrimp are not fully settled.The good news is the dwarf hairgrass I added is starting to grow and the few glosso plants I still have are beginning to spread slowly.I also pulled the CO2 as it was due to be changed but im not risking messing too much again becasue of the shrimp.

Will update pics once things have settled down.

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