New Motoro Stingray Question


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Hey I got my new ray 4 days ago and he was swimming around like crazy the first couple of days and hes just swimming the odd time hes not really climbing the glass like he was hes eating normal the water params are normal im not sure if hes adjusting to the new environment or not should i be worried?
your doing very well if your nitrates are 10ppm

mine are like 80ppm and they are more than 10 from the tap
I always find it amazing how people new to keeping rays and exotics can keep their nitrates so low, while us that have been doing it for years struggle to keep them under 100 without changing water every day and never feeding the fish :lol:

You may be being totally honest about the nitrate reading and in which case fair play to you and i can only wish my tapwater was as clean as that, but if not please dont feel you have to exagerate how low nitrates are in your tanks, i doubt your find a ray keeper here that has nitrates under 50ppm the day before a weekly water change.
Lol no its your awfull London tap water. Here in the Great land of Harlow I have 0ppm of Nitrate in my tapwater I even checked again to make sure Sunday dean after we discussed it. Now I do a 25% water change on Sunday and have feed 130 shrimp on Sunday and prawn muscle whitebait and sinking carnivour pellet everyday since then and here is my Nitrate reading sitting at a healthy 10ppm. It can be done people when I left my tank for 2 weeks while I was on holiday it was only 50ppm when I got home.

Do you have any plants in the tank?
My 6ft x 2ft x 2ft would be 0ppm the day of a water change (which are done every sunday religiously)
I had 4 giant sized amazon swords in there. Now the fish have finially eaten them (over a year and 3 month period) the water is generally around the 50ppm on the sunday now. Athough we do have a very good tap water that is <5ppm

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