New Member's Orb And Fishies


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Yorkshire

Just joined and in the process of getting a new BIG tank. Here's our 35 litre Orb with 5 Neons, one dwarf gourami and Tyson the Red Betta <3:






They all seem happy enough and feed well and are active :)
Nice looking tank (for a biorb :p ).

Gonna be replacing the live plants frequently though, for biorbs I would stick exclusively to mosses and anubias :good:. I've heard of people not even having luck with java fern.

If you can get a decent quality anubias on rock or wood (like from here) it will do well, look great, and save you money in the long run on replacing plants :).

I really like the look of the bamboo ornament .

Dwarf gourami and figher may turn out to be a problem in a biord in the future though, keep a close eye on them.
Thanks for all of that. Am watching the Gourami and Tyson ;) Once we get the big tank up and running the Gourami and neons will be going in that and Tyson will have the Orb to himself.

We liked the bamboo and just put the other plants in to provide more hiding and sleeping places for them as a pro-tem measure ;). But do like the look of real plants. Am also thinking about silks, but will check out that link :good:
Nice looking tank (for a biorb :p ).

Gonna be replacing the live plants frequently though, for biorbs I would stick exclusively to mosses and anubias :good:. I've heard of people not even having luck with java fern.

If you can get a decent quality anubias on rock or wood (like from here) it will do well, look great, and save you money in the long run on replacing plants :).

I really like the look of the bamboo ornament .

Dwarf gourami and figher may turn out to be a problem in a biord in the future though, keep a close eye on them.
That looks really really good!

Although I'm not sure the red plant will do very well - it's a plant that needs a lot more light than a biorb (or whatever it is!) provides. The vallis (long one) should do alright though.

I'm glad it's going to be Tyson's tank!
Thank you all for the lovely comments :) It's not a BiOrb but an H2Orb. They don't appear to be around anymore. It's not new - we got it from a member of the family who hadn't used it for a couple of years. An internet search only finds details of them being challenged for the name by BiOrb!! So it seems they changed their name to UltraTank - but then vanished into the ether! But we like it for what it is and it is going to be Tyson's. We might leave the neons in it - but haven't decided yet. The Gourami will deffo go into the big tank - which we bought today from a fellow forum member ;) :good:

Our new venture is a Juwel Vision 260 and we can't wait to get cracking. We were looking at two the 190 or 260 and the 260 it was. Needs a good clean and for us to get all the other stuff we need - so watch out for lots more questions. First step is to get the internal filter off :crazy: then aquire an external. Then we'll see about starting it up. :good: :good: :)

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