New Member :)


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all, im new here only had my tropical tank for about 2 weeks, Ive had goldfish for years, but when my tank cracked, i bought a new one with all the equipment already with it for a tropical tank. Thought id sign up as been looking for information as im still new to this, so if anyone has any advice it will be much appreciated

My first suggestion is to ask questions here before buying any fish. How big is your tank, and do you have any fish now? What did you in the two weeks you've had it?
Welcome to the light.
Nothing against goldfish, just poop machines.
I agree with TOS, ask and keep asking.
I'm new on the forum and ive already found the infomation on here invaluable. You won't be dissapointed!
Thanks for the welcome. I have a 54 Litre tank, with 5 neons, 4 black phantom tetra's and 2 Angel fish. I did have more but im having problems with fish dieing. Ive had My water tested and it was perfect, so im not sure whats going on, they dont look like they have any obvious damage too them and they seem to only die in the night. My water is the correct temperature too. If anyone has any ideas?
The most important thing to possess when keeping tropical fish, is patience
Do everything slowly, and research in great detail before making any changes.
Other than that, welcome to the best hobby in the world
The second most important thing to possess is a liquid test kit. API and Nutrafin and Siefert are a few names, but you really must have one so you can depend on the results you get yourself, rather than relying on the LFS to be accurate. 
Ive got a nutrafin test, i bought it the other day ive done the test myself and the ph and nitrate were both fine.
You could be better off posting in the emergency section on this forum, you may get noticed a bit more there. Also if you could post your water test results, temp, filter type etc.
kad191 said:
You could be better off posting in the emergency section on this forum, you may get noticed a bit more there. Also if you could post your water test results, temp, filter type etc.
 Ive sorted the problem now, i was being sold dodgy fish, my auntie had exact same problems as me and same shop where i had mine too. The guy there addmited there was somthing wrong as when he was having new stock alot of the fish were arriving dead. Hes now given me aload of free fish, ive had them scince monday and no problems as of yet :)
I would be careful you dont overstock your tank as you only have a 54L.
Keep an eye on your Ammonia / Nitrite levels and make sure they stay at 0ppm.

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