New Marine Tank

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Fish Herder
Mar 23, 2009
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Co.Down Ireland
will this work ok?

Nano Cube 24 & Stand

Tank & Stand
Saltwater solution (mix)
Live rock
Aquarium Photo Background
Live sand or crushed coral
Digital Refractometer or hydrometer
X2-3 Powerheads
Protein skimmer
Saltwater test kits
Saltwater fish food
Aquarium vacuum
Fish net
Magnetic algae scrapers
Two 5 gallon buckets (not used before!!)
Power strip

X3 Common Clownfish
X1 Royal Gramma
X1 Cleaner Shrimp
Overstocked by a mile, think for 24g 3-4 fish at an absolute sqeeze although the fish you have chosen are reasonably sensible choices... Why not try 2x percula/ocellaris clowns and a royal gramma. You shouldn't have too much of a problem with aggression then. The yellow tail damsels can be boisterous and on occasion down right aggressive.

Scrap the idea of an anemone as they require room, lots of light and very stable chemistry which is more easily achieved in a large tank. Also they generally grow to sizes much too big for a 24g cube.

Corals come a few months down the line as they require chemical stablity as well which is not possible in a new started aquarium.

Hope this helps

so what about this:
X3 Common Clownfish
X1 Royal Gramma
X1 Cleaner Shrimp

its a bummer for the damsel idea :sad:
as far as my knowledge goes i think its best to have only a pair of clowns as as they will pair off leaving one to get bullied and lonely. but im sure someone will correct me on that

as far as my knowledge goes i think its best to have only a pair of clowns as as they will pair off leaving one to get bullied and lonely. but im sure someone will correct me on that


you are right superman - in a tank that size 3 is a no, no :crazy:
as far as my knowledge goes i think its best to have only a pair of clowns as as they will pair off leaving one to get bullied and lonely. but im sure someone will correct me on that


you are right superman - in a tank that size 3 is a no, no :crazy:

k then, 2 it is, so what do you think is better?
Marlin & Coral or
Marlin & Nemo
Honestly JRD? I think you are trying to run before you can crawl nevermind walk.

I'm not being horrible, I just think you need to learn to manage the tanks/fish you have before attempting something so much more delicate.

You can't yet achieve stabiliy in your tropical tanks - look at the ammonia readings you had just last week.

Do your fish a favour and learn from your mistakes and the advice you have received before even considering any more fish.
Honestly JRD? I think you are trying to run before you can crawl nevermind walk.

I'm not being horrible, I just think you need to learn to manage the tanks/fish you have before attempting something so much more delicate.

You can't yet achieve stabiliy in your tropical tanks - look at the ammonia readings you had just last week.

Do your fish a favour and learn from your mistakes and the advice you have received before even considering any more fish.

i think i have got new tank syndrome lol, thats why u probably think im trying to run before i can walk, and seriously i know how to look after fish the least i need now is someone tellin me i cant, i'm only in the hobby 10 months so leave me alone!
New tank syndrome is simply that you didn't cycle the tank before putting fish in it. Therefore you're in a fish cycling situation and I would imagine you should be focusing on huge daily water changes to save your current fish rather than setting up yet another new tank.
And you're about to get some kribs which by the sounds of it will also be fish in cycling? Which means another tank which needs daily water changes for at least a month.

I don't think indigoj was trying to be harsh or discourage you. Just simply stating facts. No one would say don't get a marine tank, just that perhaps now isn't the best time to do it.

Have you priced up the stuff you will need by the way? And do you know how much money you are going to have available to you?
New tank syndrome is simply that you didn't cycle the tank before putting fish in it
by new tank syndrome i meant i feel like i have to buy lots of tanks for my house, like most ppl on TFF lol

Therefore you're in a fish cycling situation and I would imagine you should be focusing on huge daily water changes to save your current fish rather than setting up yet another new tank.
nope nitrite and ammonia 0ppm PH 7.2

And you're about to get some kribs which by the sounds of it will also be fish in cycling? Which means another tank which needs daily water changes for at least a month.

nope its a fishless cycle im not stupid, if im only gonna use the tank for kribs then i'd be risking their lives to get it all up and running :rolleyes:
Then fair may have enough time to set up a marine tank, after the kribs are set-up. didn't answer my questions, how much do you expect this set-up will cost? And how much money do you have available to you?
Not forgetting running costs once it's set-up, cause you'll either need an RO machine or too buy all of your water from your lfs.

If you have enough money then fine you tenically can set up a marine tank...
But even then, stocking is the last thing you should be thinking of.

First you research, read, and ask questions. Then you research, read, and ask questions. Then you'd probably be ready to buy everything.

Then you research, read, and ask questions then you set it up.

Then you research, read, and ask questions then you get it cycling.

Then you research, read, and ask questions when lots of odd things pop up in the tank.

Then once you're on your way towards getting ready for fish you start asking about stocking.
Not necessarily there curiosity.

When people ask about a marine tank, we often ask them what kind of stocking they are looking at keeping as this can make a huge difference to the size of tank you go for. If people really want to keep a specific type of fish that say needs 55g, we would then tailor our response to that specific fish. Too many times we see people buy a too small tank and not be able to keep the fish they originally looked at marine to keep.

As this side is very expensive, we do tend to tailor the tank design and equipment purchases to the ultimate stock we want to keep.
Have you priced up the stuff you will need by the way? And do you know how much money you are going to have available to you?

Summer Job :rolleyes: i know that it'll cost like £480+

I thought your summer job was going to get your bigger tropical tank to house the acara, bgk, clown loach etc that you already have - that are in too small a tank?
Sorry about that, with the elevated costs it makes alot of sense to ask about stocking...

But then I really don't think that's why he was asking about stocking before doing a bit of reading...
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