New Layout

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I'll bet you dunno what AFL and NRL Stands for. Don't worry, it's an Aussie thing.
It seems like people are using the welcome forum as the new tank forum. I say we scratch the new tank forum and put discussion/emergency in it's own section. :p
The terms that get underlined are all entered by me. Some work and some don't depending so I can't enter in all terms but I tried to enter in some basic ones like LFS and TFF and PO4.
TallTree01 said:
[deleted text]


I do all the time with Talltree, but he has a good sense of humour, has to I guess
Why do I have to? Not havin a go at you, just trying to follow your thought process
Because you are an Aussie, it comes with the country from my experience
plus you own a Bio-Orb with tropical fish but use a Goldfish in your profile

that if you want to Quote something but not use the whole of a person's quote you can use the speech bubble, just to the left of the t , for twitter.
TallTree01 said:
I'll bet you dunno what AFL and NRL Stands for. Don't worry, it's an Aussie thing.
Australian Football League and National Rugby League, but then it could mean anything to you Talltree ;)
tcamos said:
The terms that get underlined are all entered by me. Some work and some don't depending so I can't enter in all terms but I tried to enter in some basic ones like LFS and TFF and PO4.
That is a lot of work, any chance of having the Glossary of Terms I recommended, that way Newbies can find info.,  we can add to them, you can then take them at your leisure to create the underlined versions?
TallTree01 said:
What's PO4?
Are you just stirring, hover over it, and it tells you
TallTree01 said:
Im on my iPad most of the time so it doesn't work.
Oh the limits of Apple, Google can help ;)    To help you out it is Phosphate.
I have heard mind you once you have an iPad you wonder how you ever coped without one!  Not got one myself, yet :)
Yeah it's an obsession alright. Without my gadgets I'm just the average joe with a fish tank.

Should I be testing for Phosphate?
High phosphates can lead to algea, if that seems to be a reoccurring problem for you.
Algaes an advantage for me. The more algae I have the less I have to spend on algae wafers for my bristlenose.
TallTree01 said:
Algaes an advantage for me. The more algae I have the less I have to spend on algae wafers for my bristlenose.
You crack me up.  So it doesn't matter if you can't see your
  as long as they are fed
He is an absolute pig. One time when I had the water level touching the light I found him eating the algae off the surface of the light! If I don't algae wafer him he takes to stealing the tetras food. He actually manages to get to the flake before the tetras! Dunno how he does it.
Many fertilizers contain phosphate to help the plants grow. In terms of them being a problem that's mostly for reef tanks as high phosphates will stop calcification which is essential for stony corals to survive.
tcamos said:
Sorry that things are moving around but we are trying to organize things not only into a logical place but to clean up duplicate areas and shorten the length of the home page so people have less to browse through to find what they are looking for. This will include new names and new locations for some favorites.
We've noticed that some posts go unanswered because they are in a forum not quite grouped where it should be. A great example of this was the fact that Freshwater shrimp and inverts was listed under "Other Pets" along with dogs and hamsters!
I do think we're just about done though!
So far I think the changes make sense, good job!
I would like to make a suggestion though, I liked the way the Betta and Gourami pages were next to each other since they are all Anabantoids.  It seems strange to have to go past "livebearers, etc." to get to the Gouramis..................
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