New Juwel Rio 180

Plants added along with some new inhabitants that aren't Tiger Barbs... :rolleyes:

Pics when the water has cleared a little. :good:
Love your wood! :lol: The placement is great. I wouldn't hide it too much with plants, unless you won't lose the dramatic shapes. Looking forward to seeing this. I'm currently snatching ideas for my rescape :whistle:
Right, the water has finally cleared so i snapped a few pics.

Added the Dwarf Sagitarria on Wednesday, the others were added about 3 hours ago. Not sure on some of them so a few ID's would be appreciated. Also added some new inhabitants. 4 Blue Ghost Koi Angel Fish. Not the ideal fish, but i couldn't resist them when i saw them. They really are awesome specimens. The camera hasn't picked up how blue they are in real life. They are some kind of cross that get their blue from some of Ken Kennedy's Angels so they should be real stunners when adult. I am tempted to add another 2 and hope for a pair to form as it would be great to be able to breed them. :good:

Anyway, here are a quick bunch of pics... Nothing special.

FTS by David Raynham, on Flickr

Angled FTS by David Raynham, on Flickr

Guppy/Endler crosses by David Raynham, on Flickr

Guppy/Endler crosses by David Raynham, on Flickr

Blue Ghost Koi's by David Raynham, on Flickr

Blue Ghost Koi's by David Raynham, on Flickr

Blue Ghost Koi's by David Raynham, on Flickr

Blue Ghost Koi's by David Raynham, on Flickr

Blue Ghost Koi's by David Raynham, on Flickr

Eye Eye by David Raynham, on Flickr

Let me know what you think, hope you enjoy. :)
absolutely fantastic mate... are you still getting tiger barbs or have you changed your mind?? You pleased with it? look a great start and when it grows in will look fantastic!!
Thanks Jay. I think the Tiger Barbs will be on the back burner for a while, although the last time i had Tigers i did have them in with Angels and they were fine. But... I don't think i dare risk them.

The Guppies will probably be shifted into another tank :rolleyes: and then i may look into a few bottom dwellers. IF I can fish one out of my other tank i may add a L182 or 2 just to keep on top of any new tank diatoms etc.
Would really love angels but don't have a big enough tank. So if no Tigers what else you going to add apart from the bottom dwellers, or would that be it mate?
Would really love angels but don't have a big enough tank.

Neither do i :lol:

As for other fish... erm... Bleeding Heart Tetras? Praecox Rainbows?
Those praecox rainbows look ace mate, i've always fancied a nice shoal of Colombian Tetra, but I don't know much about them a nice shoal of them would be ace unless they are nippers!
I've had a shoal of them aswell. :lol:

Prefer the Praecox i reckon... Tetra's are a little run of the mill these days?
The Angels will nail em when adult though... :blink:
ahh good point! I'm pretty new to the fish game so haven't really got anymore suggestions... maybe some Lemon tetra (I know tetra!!) they are really nice looking fish and a bit deeper bodied... unfortunetly most of the fish I've kept are tetra!!

I would dearly love to have Cardinals again, but even if i do manage to keep them alive then the worry of the Angels munching on them would still be there. That wouldn't happen though for a year i reckon though so it may be an option?! :hey:

Any advice for plants/scaping?
Wow its coming on mate, i love the scape can i smell Some Co2 on its way
Or are them plant ok with out it ? I'm no fan of Angels but I have to say they do
Look nice, top job my friend as I would expect ;)

Wish I could get some more comments on mine :sad:

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