New Juwel Rio 180

tank has arrived.

Been to the fish shop today, for a powerhead, but came out empty handed as i got a bit confused!(again.

I looked for powerheads in the section with pumps and stuff, but could only find airpumps, so i asked the guy in the shop if they were the same thing and he said no! also said i wouldn't need an air pump.

hoping to go back tomorrow to pick up a juwel background.

Did find some bogwood that i will pickup aswell

Maybe it's the language barrier that made me confused today in the shop as my German is not very good, and the guy in the shop English wasn't great (better than my german to be fair to him though)
air pumps & powerheads are 2 different things.
Powerheads are more commonly used by the salty side.My LFS keep their powerheads in the marine section.

edit:without meaning to be patronizing, this is a powerhead.

My T8 Light unit is here! Woo Hoo
I can't quite remember where you went "#41####" about it after I mentioned that the T5s are fine, but law in Germany states that you can return it within two weeks without any problems (if you want to, eBay is a good place for the T5s otherwise… but as I said, I recommend you wait and see if the T8s are enough first).

i want to buy a niece peice of bogwood for the tank the question is

Q1 Where do most people soak theirs?
In the tank, of course ;)

Q2 Should i be patient and wait another 2 weeks and soak the bogwood in the tank, or should i soak it somewhere else? carry on setting up the tank then disturbe everything and add it to the tank when it's ready later?
Why would you wait to soak the bogwood? Just set it up. True bogwood usually takes only a couple of days to sink for me, dry roots and driftwood may take longer though, sometimes up to a few months.

Been to the fish shop today, for a powerhead, but came out empty handed as i got a bit confused!(again.

I looked for powerheads in the section with pumps and stuff, but could only find airpumps, so i asked the guy in the shop if they were the same thing and he said no! also said i wouldn't need an air pump.
air pumps & powerheads are 2 different things.
Powerheads are more commonly used by the salty side.My LFS keep their powerheads in the marine section.

edit:without meaning to be patronizing, this is a powerhead.

View attachment 64634
I call those "circulation pumps", I usually refer to these as "power heads": …although there's nothing pump-like about the first.

Anyway, you're looking for a Strömungspumpe.

i had already purchased the T8 light from amazon before you mentioned it. However i deceided to due to my lack of expwriance to go with the majority on this one, as most were telling me to go for the lower lights.

As for the bogwood! i know that came across like a really stupid question, it was just i was under the impression, that people were pre-soaking it before hand to stop the discolouring.


Thanks for the update on the powerhead/cirulation pump/Strömungspumpe. In my impatience i started another thread in the begginers section as you were both offline last night when i was on,LOL, how dare you have outside interesting to helping new fish keepers.

my tank was meant to come with a Juwel backround, but the Buggers have only given me 1 section for the back and 1 section for filter, now need to wait a little bit longer to get the next pieces. can you believe it!

tried to do that reply thing with the quotations, but it went titsup
As for the bogwood! i know that came across like a really stupid question, it was just i was under the impression, that people were pre-soaking it before hand to stop the discolouring.
Tannins do more good than bad, but even if you don't like the tinge to the water, it will go with water changes.
sorry for the confusion about the name.I must admit i didn't know in were in Germany till post#31

saw your location, but didn't google it.Thought you were just being vague,Ha.

thanks for the language lesson 'KK', i can add circulation pump, to my schoolboy german. Not sure how i'm going to work 'Strömungspumpe' into a request for directions to the railway station though.
This is the plant selection i have been looking at, hopefully i've made choices that will be easy to look after. please feel free to correct me where needed.

Choice of plants:

Ceratophyllum demersum (Hornwort) - fast growing

Anubias Barteri (broadleaved anubis) - slow growing

Elodea/Egeria - fastgrowing

Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (pennywort)-fast growing

Cryptocoryne beckettii (beckett's water trumpet)-medium

Anubias coffeefolica - slow growing

Anubias Angustifolia - slow growing

Cabomba caroliniana (Cabomba) - fast growing

Echinodorus bleheri (Amazon Sword) fast growing

Hygrophila difformis (Wisteria) - fast growing

Microsorum pteropus (Java Fern) - fast growing

Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java Moss) - slow growing

Vallisneria spiralis - fast growing

Depending obviously if my local LFS has these in stock.
You may find that Cabomba will start to die off below the middle after a few days. Lymnophila sessiflora is a much better option! Look in the thread "Green Cabomba question" for slightly more info. Otherwise that's looking like a very sensible choice of plants!
You may find that Cabomba will start to die off below the middle after a few days. Lymnophila sessiflora is a much better option! Look in the thread "Green Cabomba question" for slightly more info. Otherwise that's looking like a very sensible choice of plants!

thanks for the advice, list has been updated accordingly
I recommend you also add some Hygrophilas to the list! You want predominantly faster growing stem plants, I reckon.

As for Cabomba vs. Lymnophila, I found that it depended on the tank, but on average, I have had better success with Cabomba.
I recommend you also add some Hygrophilas to the list! You want predominantly faster growing stem plants, I reckon.

As for Cabomba vs. Lymnophila, I found that it depended on the tank, but on average, I have had better success with Cabomba.

thanks i will add that to the list aswell.

as for the other 2 i'll try both and see how iget on!

Glad i haven't been completly ripped for my choice of plants,

any ideas on what sort of quanties i should get out of the list and which go well together in the tank or doesn't that matter as long as the water flow is right once i get powerhead/cirulation pump/Strömungspumpe,LOL.

what i mean is if i put a tall/fast growing plant close to a small/slow growing plant will it still be ok in regards to light/nutrients?
any ideas on what sort of quanties i should get out of the list

Ceratophyllum demersum (Hornwort) - 2, I have found that sometimes it just falls apart
*add 1 more sp.*

Anubias Barteri (broadleaved anubis) - 1
Anubias coffeefolica - 1
Anubias Angustifolia - 1
Microsorum pteropus (Java Fern) - 1
Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java Moss) - 1; slow fast growing

Elodea/Egeria - 2
Cabomba caroliniana - 2
Hygrophila difformis (Wisteria) - 2
Lymnophila - 2
*40-60% of the plants should be in this section, at least to start with, so add 2-4 more spp.*

Cryptocoryne beckettii - 1
Echinodorus bleheri - 1
Vallisneria spiralis - 1
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (pennywort) - 1

[…] and which go well together in the tank or doesn't that matter as long as the water flow is right once i get powerhead/cirulation pump/Strömungspumpe,LOL.

what i mean is if i put a tall/fast growing plant close to a small/slow growing plant will it still be ok in regards to light/nutrients?
All of them should be fine. You should be fine to plant the plants however you like… obviously, tall ones would look better towards the back. Personally, I normally would not use a powerhead in small tanks with adequate filtration, so see how you get on without one, then compare to with one maybe?

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