New Inhabitants To The 3Ft

Tis leaking from the main head seal. Definitely no sand got into it, the intake is up too far. I havent got to it yet, will hopefully get a chance to look at it tomorrow, but i think a new seal will be needed
yeah, it sounds like the seal is the problem. I'm presuming it has some kind of rubber 'o' ring seal - it's hopefully just a case of replacing that. Hope you sort it :)
Ya'know I had that gasket leak issue on a new canister....Hydor 600 I beleive it is. I realized after serveral attempts....if those media trays don't line up just right or are off by a millimeter, the top won't fit properly and you get a leak.
Might be worth exploring.
my external is the same Phat-Rat but mine won't allow me to clamp the lid so I have to go back and remove all the trays and start stacking them again. I often find it is just a bit of sand that's in the canister that's stopping them sliding in and lining up. That was why I asked if there was a chance there was some sand in it. My BN and cories flick my sand around and I always have a very small amount inside my canister
My BN and cories flick my sand around and I always have a very small amount inside my canister
You could put some sponge on the intake. That will stop the sand thing.
The trays are all in is either the seal between the motor head and the body or something has let go inside the head somewhere. It definitely isn't sealing somewhere as it is constantly sucking air and leaking worse than a barb wire canoe!
I'm taking it back to the shop i bought it from for the guy to have a look at it and tell me what needs to be done with it, hopefully it is just a main body/head seal.....i will order one and also a new one for the other canister of the same type (as it has just started intermittent sucking air thing)
Grrrrr frustrating, i need it working as there are now 4 fish in the 3ft and only a small internal running!!
Newer pic (horrid quality, only a tiny light over tank)
Nice I like.
I notice a lot of members do not use external canister filters.
They are just not as efficient on larger tanks
As I value your opinion. Like Pauline Hanson Said " Please Explain "
Pretty much self explanatory. Internals are not as efficient in keeping the tank clean
lovely looking tank and is that a gold severum I can see ... 

I can see the point to internal filters in small tanks but not in large tanks. I have two externals running on my 4ft and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you can get it fixed easily and reasonably cheaply Alasse
Thanks for the tip on the sponge Nick, I'll have to look into whether that's possible to do with my filter
Yep a gold sev, named Zarrin. There is also a green sev, named Midori. (hope to get a blue and a red sev down the track a bit) I also got given 2 other fish that i am attempting to ID (i think at least 1 is an african. They have however been living with the sevs for quite a while)
The smaller white fish at the front may move to a different tank eventually as i would really like some more of them, stunning (it is a bossy little thing lol, not nasty, just bossy!)
OK, the canister has a cracked head, didnt think the water was coming out where it would if it was a seal. A replacement head has been ordered under warrenty
yey! Glad you got it sorted 

Out of interest, what brand is it and how old is it? It might help other members in the same situation to know if this brand has this potential defect :)

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