New Important Information

Just a reminder that today is the deadline to alter signatures yourselves before moderator edits start.
I have just seen this thread.

Maybe this should have been premoted on a wider scale.

I have been a member on different forums were the sig size is restrickted to a certain size.

I personally think its a good idea.

BTW mines ok I think?
:nod: Looks like it's fine, SD. If you right click on the pic then select "Properties", you'll see its size. Appears to be about 350x150 pixils, well under the 400x300 cutoff.
I think its high time people stop relying on huge signatures to express them selves and focused on post content. the signature is the same each time but what you say has the potential to be profound and interesting in a new way each time. After a while everyone who looks apon your Signature gets bored of it and its a pain when everyone is bored of a 2 page long list of the names you have devised for balls of belly button lint over the past 3 fortnights. I mean come on when was the last time you looked apon my signature in amazement? Well maybe you should start :p
parker313 said:
Is the allowable size of a siggy pic really 400wx300h? That 300h is WAY bigger than 5 lines of standard size text. I've got 5 lines plus a space and it's maybe half the size of a 300 pixel tall image.....
Any comment on this? I am really curious as to why you're only allowing 5 lines of text yet graphics that are 300 pixels tall. :dunno:
While this new ruling has been unpopular with some (the vast minority actually) we are not complete killjoys and felt that leaving the signature image option so that a reasonable but not excessive sized picture could still be shown was in the best interests. The 400x300 size limit is only a maximum size and should not be viewed as a target size to set pictures to, if pictures become a problem the size limit may be reviewed again within a few months.

Moderator edits of signatures have started, if you signature does not fit the new rules then please edit it or it will be edited without notice, thankyou.
i resized mine as you asked CFC,
this alright now -_- ?

DD :)
CFC said:
Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k or 400x300 pixels) and 2 lines of text, large text should be treated as a picture and limited to 2 lines. If your signature exceeds this please alter it to within the new guidelines ASAP. Failure to amend signatures will result in moderator edits.
Information regarding fish stocks and tank specs can be placed in the section provided for this in your personal profiles.

For those with large pictures they wish to keep this site may be able to help with reformating them to a suitable size without loss of quality.

We are sorry for any inconvienience this may cause but of late signatures have become increasingly large and action has had to have been taken to rectify this.

Thanks, the moderating team.
Where in these new rules does it say that you can't put your tank specs in your signature image? It says that tank specs *can* be put in your profile, but doesn't say not to put them in a siggy image.

That should have been made clearer :/
Where did my sig get deleted too? I don't want to have to type out all my tanks again in me profile.

I only looked for this now when i posted and saw my sig was edited.

mine was bloody small comapared to some peoples, and i'ved noticed some are still massive even bigger than mine like grim reapers- talk about excessive (no offence!!- just making a point)
The new guidelines have been in place for ten days and until today signatures have been left for people to edit them theirselves, it was warned that moderator edits would be made and now they have, deleted signatures are lost. All signatures that are outside of the new rulings will be edited as soon as they are seen.

While on the subject could you resize your signature image (paul v biker) as it is currently 85 pixels above the allowed length.
Right oh, i just used the image from a post as i thought it was a good picture, i'll sort it out....

Reakon this could of been advertised a tad better though as how many people actually look in here on a weeky bases unless they have a problem!!

I'm all up for the change though, like I already said some signatures where getting out of control.
There are identical pinned topics in the 4 most used forums, we couldnt really advertise it much more without covering the whole forum in pinned topics :lol:

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