New Hobby Looking For Any Advice

listen to the_lock_man he know's far more than I do :)
lol yeah i will but i do take everyones advice seriously as i need the help and you have been very helpful with your advice too :)
the best advice is to just keep asking. It helps other beginners to read these posts as they often answer a question they have without them having to post a seperate thread.

You see, I was told that PH below 6.8 isn't good but the_lock_man blew that out the water so I've learned something too today :)
well i'll just have to try and make it a mission to learn something new a day we'll soon be experts :)

oh and i don't think it was my platy that had fry she still the same size and aint seen any more fry since but what i did notice was that my guppy had black dots (apparently fry eyes) with a bit of orange line and now they gone and she does seem a bit smaller
the only confusing thing is i've heard they like platy have 20-50 fry but i sat and watched all day and only seen two
Somewhere on here there's a big section on pregnant fish and how to tell if they are pregnant and how much pregnant and also lots of other info on breeding. Maybe try doing a search and read up. It should give an insight into whose babies they are etc.

sorry everyone but i just noticed the fish i think had fry yesterday is acting very sluggish and has white spots over it and one of its fins is full of it checked ammonia again since doing water change it still 0.25 please any ideas in helping my guppy

have looked on here for some info about pregnant fish will keep looking till i find the answers i think the poor thing ill now tho
could be white spot ... hope someone more experienced gets back to you quickly. Are they flicking themselves against the gravel/stones/ornaments?
I really don't know what to suggest as I have no experience of illness yet (thankfully). All I can think to say is type in white spot or ich as it's sometimes called into the search area on here and see if anything pops up (and I'm pretty certain it will as white spot is a common illness in fish)

Good luck x
If there gasping for breath with low ph could be not enough oxygen in the water. A low ph is bad when your doing a fishless cycle as it can stall the cycle, in a fish in cycle its not great but there is little you can do as you dont want to be messing with ph at all. Might be worth getting some waterlife (meds) in as well to help with common disese
no she not gasping for breathe seems a bit wobbly and disoriented i'll keep looking for info on her symptoms i really don't want to lose another fish
now i have had a good looking i can see the wobbling is prob be caused by some of her fin missing i really dont know what wrong when reading up i keep getting more confused thinking it one thing then another this has only happened in a few hours i was watching her this morning and everything was fine
i don't want to be going to lfs tomorrow and they telling me it something it not also really don't want to wake to a dead fish
sorry everyone but i just noticed the fish i think had fry yesterday is acting very sluggish and has white spots over it and one of its fins is full of it checked ammonia again since doing water change it still 0.25 please any ideas in helping my guppy

have looked on here for some info about pregnant fish will keep looking till i find the answers i think the poor thing ill now tho

Anytime you test your water and the ammonia is greater than 0 you should do a water change. If it's 0.25 change 80% of the water. Buy some Ich treatment and don't listen to LFS employees.
ok thank you i did a 90% change don't think my fish going to make it to the morning from the behaviour when changing the water

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