New Hobby Looking For Any Advice

hi i can not fault what your saying about the pet shops they have told me the opposite to what everyone has suggested here. i do not know what a seneye is hopefully one day i will know enough for it to mean some thing to me but good luck with it sounds expensive.
actually now you mention mature filter would a large goldfish tank have it ? if so can someone explain what i would need to do ? the person i know who got it had it all set up and ready so prob wouldn't know what i was on about
hi i can not fault what your saying about the pet shops they have told me the opposite to what everyone has suggested here. i do not know what a seneye is hopefully one day i will know enough for it to mean some thing to me but good luck with it sounds expensive.
actually now you mention mature filter would a large goldfish tank have it ? if so can someone explain what i would need to do ? the person i know who got it had it all set up and ready so prob wouldn't know what i was on about

long story short any one who has a tank set up for say over 6 months will have nice strong mature media. you ask them if they will give you 1/3 of there media and put it in your filter this will give a huge boost.

mature media can be bio balls, little ceramic noodles or even just a sponge (which they will have to cut< does no harm at all)
oh ok i'll ask her about it then i need to do something my fish acting all strange again but i did just see one fry in tank (not sure which is having them)from what i ve read i would image they looking for it now
another question really sorry i know i a pain but if one of my fish has had fry which i def seen 1 but no more yet and i aint moved from the tank lol do i still do my normally water change?
i did one this morning but since i seen the 1 fry the fish are now back at the top again which makes me think i need to another one today ?
any advice welcome
Yes, you can do normal water changes with fry in the tank.
just check the water buckets for fry before you throw the water away. You could try running it through a seive if that's easier :)
I'd bet it's that platy that you showed us last night. She did look ready to burst :lol:
lol i think it is because i been sat here watching she was at top of water and all of a sudden there was a 2nd fry underneath going towards the bottom
i so fascinated it hard to take my eyes off them waiting for the next not that i ve seen the 1st fry since :(
i think i will use a seive dont mind mother nature taking course but dont want to kill any myself
hey everyone lookin for a bit more advice i had my test kit through this morning (came quicker than expected) did my tests and my results seem to have improved from what the lps did for me
this morning results were
ph 6.4
ammonia 0.25
nitrite 0
nitrate in between 0- 5.0
being new to this i would like some advice on these results
do i still do daily water changes etc
thank you
Agreed with KISSfn really. Your PH is low too I think. As I understand it (bearing in mind I'm still on the learning curve myself) it needs to be nearer to 7.0. My lfs said not to let it drop too far below 6.8. It might be worth doing that tap water test too. It would be good to know what it's PH is.

Ammonia is looking better though, 0.25 is the max but at least it's come down a lot ... looks like it's slowly coming together. Keep at it and let us know what it's looking like later

Akasha :)
hey akasha just the person i was going to message i did a tap water test just now when i was doing a water change the results were
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
any thoughts on this
also i understand water change is needed to bring ammonia down until filter is established but how do you sort ph levels?
There's nothing wrong with a pH of 6.4, and pH isn't something you want to start mucking about with. If you start trying to alter your pH, and do something wrong, it then changes quickly, and that is worse for your fish than a stable, but not ideal, pH.

However, it's odd that your tapwater is coming out at 8.2. It might be an idea to take some tapwater, let it sit for 24 hours and then test it, there may be some additive in the water that will come out over 24 hours, and leave you a "true" tapwater pH.

Tank pH can vary from just under 6.0 to over 8.0 without being a huge problem.
oh ok thank you it nice to know it not something i need to be worrying about my tank ph in the two tests that have been done are 6.6 and 6.4 so seems to be staying around the same levels will keep testing tho
i will try leaving my tap water sit for 24hr it be interesting to see if there is change in reading and will post the results

another thing i would be interested in knowing is if my tap water reading 0 for the other results does that mean it is safe for my tank or still need to be using tapsafe ?
oh ok thank you it nice to know it not something i need to be worrying about my tank ph in the two tests that have been done are 6.6 and 6.4 so seems to be staying around the same levels will keep testing tho
i will try leaving my tap water sit for 24hr it be interesting to see if there is change in reading and will post the results

another thing i would be interested in knowing is if my tap water reading 0 for the other results does that mean it is safe for my tank or still need to be using tapsafe ?

Definitely use the tapsafe, because that gets rid of chlorine, chloramine and (probably) heavy metals, which you don't have a test for. The chlorine in water will kill the bacteria in your filter.

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