New Here


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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Im new to this forum but not to fish breeding. Well kinda new. I guess I am new at breeding. Well a little about me self and my pets: Im 12 yrs old and Im a female. I love all kinds of animals and even bugs. I have 5 cats and 18 kittens(litters from my cats) they are from 3 days old to 3 weeks old. My oldest cat right now is a sealpoint female who is 1 yr old. I have 3 dogs, 3 trios of guppies and about 75 guppy fry, 4 betta fish (2 male and 2 female)and about 500 betta fry, some neon tetras and barbs. I also have 2 female flyings squirrels and 2 horses. I started breeding guppies when I was 11 and I just started breeding betta fish. Im going to need alot of help so any information you can give me would be great! :D
:hi: Hope you enjoy your times with us and we can help. great to have you with us ! excuse edits keep making errors tonight.
Hi fish_breeder :)

Welcome to the forum :flowers:

We have a nice pets section here too. I hope you check it out and tell us about your cats. :nod:
Wow, you must be busy! :hi: to the forum, we'll be glad to help, don't hesitate to ask questions.
:eek: That's quite an assortment of animals you've got there!

It seems to me that you're already living up to your name. :D

You don't seem to be much of a beginner, but there are still loads of information on this site that you can pick up, and the general discussion section is a good place to hang out.
Holy crap,you have alot of critters!! :hyper:

We shall get along well,I have a mini-zoo too! :lol:

Welcome to the forums! {POST LOTS OF PICS!} :hey:

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