New Guppies


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Saw some guppies, that i had never seen in an LFS or LPS.

They are Double Sword Guppies, but are pale yellow with very vivid orange spots like enlers have long tariling swords.
I have them quaratined ATm as are from Pets at home, went in for some bird seed and came out iwht fish and tropica plants.

I'll get pix of them later.
wow :hyper:
those are soo pretty
the great color contrast makes it all the better
Funny you say that gill i just bought some the same at my pets at home in scotland. Double swords but bodies like endlers.

Saw some guppies, that i had never seen in an LFS or LPS.

They are Double Sword Guppies, but are pale yellow with very vivid orange spots like enlers have long tariling swords.
I have them quaratined ATm as are from Pets at home, went in for some bird seed and came out iwht fish and tropica plants.

I'll get pix of them later.
wow :hyper: those are soo prettythe great color contrast makes it all the better
Funny you say that gill i just bought some the same at my pets at home in scotland. Double swords but bodies like endlers.
Thanks GK - they remind me of tiger plattiesFC - yeah they look great. I am gonna get some more in the morning, as they overcharged me on some of the stuff.
now they are some of the best looking guppies i have seen in a long time, how many did you get? and did they have any females?
Holy, those are hot. The only ones I can get in remote Australia are veiltails and fantails. Those are gorgeous~!


So pretty and nice.

Was gonna get some today, but wife had 2 job interviews to go to.

now they are some of the best looking guppies i have seen in a long time, how many did you get? and did they have any females?

I got 2 males, No Females. I am gonna et 1 more in the morning if there are any left as they overcharged me for some things. so will get another male.

Ah your new guppys are so gorgeous, i'm jealous :D !

thanks - i seem to have a knack for finding odd guppies like these but haven't had much luck keeping them alive.
The last Ribbon Tail Female Blue Tuxedo Female dropped fry and died and so did her fry.
hopefully these will be luckier.

Imagine a Peacock crossed with one of these :drool: :drool: :drool:
I have seen no signs of illness.
So they went in the tank this morning. There Colors have become even more vibrant, and no see plae greens and blues.
Horny or what, been trying to impregnate anything biger than them (even the Honey Gourami) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

I am gonna rescape the tank today after the mollies have gone to new home. and will try and get more pix of them.
nice fish gill, just a shame these shops never have the right females!!!!!

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