New Goldfish Tank

Pretty. I love goldfish. I hope to have a tank with at least 1 in my room in the future.
So glad to see another peron with a goldfish tank ! they r very rare i think, gr8 looking tank :lol: keep it up ! :D
I love goldfish too, I'd die for the chance to get a pond implaced in my'd be fantastic!
I dunno what I'd do for winter though, because were we live there are many days of an average of 10 below :crazy:
And after paying for my pond, I dunno if I could afford a indoor tank with a filter big enough!
I could very easliy set up a little cheap pool thing in my basement, but a filter would cost more than i could ever afford, esoecially since I'd keep koi!
Cute goldfish.
When you say WCMM are you talking about white cloud mountain minnows? Just wondering as I got a little confused. Lovin the setup btw.
yep WCMM= white cloud mountain minnows

i could give you the site but unless you live in jersey wont be any use as it is the local papers website so all local for sales
your gravel is very good. well rounded pea gravel. where from did you get it


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