new fry


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds/Manchester, UK
i thought my female guppie was pregnant but a couple of days ago i came to the conclusion that it was'nt becuase it had been 6 weeks and still was'nt fat but it did have the black mark but this morning i woke up and found 1 yellow fry i netted it up and put it in the breeding trap and i managed to net up 9 then i put the seperator in and put the mom incase she had any more but when i came home 2 fry had swam up through the didivider and had been eaten and she had not had any more but she still has a black mark behind her anal fin like before but she has'nt had any more so i've put her back in the other fishes, how come the black mark has'nt gone?

P.S catching fry is hard i was late for school this morn!
I breed guppies so I do know what you are talking about..sometimes it takes the female a couple of days to have them..My last batch of babies were born 7-12 and it took the mom all day...

The gravid spot, my female always have them even after they have givin birth, if your female was big and she is skinny now then she is pretty much through, My females NEVER get huge, and they also show no signs of being in labor :lol: its the weirdest thing I have ever seen.. :thumbs: But now I know about when they are going to give birth and when it gets close I put them in the birthing tank.

You said you found a yellow baby?

Yellow? Guppy fry are usally clear...What other fish do you have in there?

I do not like the tank dividers on the fry cause they can get through, I had that happen too
the female is black/blue i have a male guppie and another female two loaches and tetras but she was never fat to start out with
I guess some guppies are different, mine are never fat!!

Did the gravid spot look bigger? sometimes I can tell when mine are getting close cause the gravid spot will get bigger..and sometimes thats the only way I can tell cause like I siad my females do NOT get big or show any signs of labor..

So yours might be like that...Maybe someone else on here has a little more info than I do
Congradulations on the baby. I have 3 girl guppys and they are all fat pregnant all of the time. It seems like they always have a gravid spot. I think they are just forever pregnant. Mine dont stop eating or anything before labor, they might just be pigs. I keep track of them on a calender, every 28 days someone is in the breeding trap thing. It is hard to tell them apart, but i try. I got one of those traps where i can put 2 in just in case i am not sure which one is that day. Mine have never been skinney, even after my biggest had 14 babies, she was still fat looking. The spot does seem to get bigger before birth, but now always, some times i just look in and see little guys on the top of the tank. I check every morning just in case i missed someone. Good luck with the fry, they are alot of fun to watch. Sandy
My last batch was my biggest so far and it was 14. I have read that they can have many many more than that so be prepared. LOL Sandy
My last female to give birth was 7-12 and while she was having babies she was EATING!! :thumbs: My largest batch I have had is 11 which the female isnt very big herself..But they can have ALOT!!!
i heard that a mother guppie wont eat their young for 48 hours because when they give birth they release a hormone that makes them lose their hunger is this Right????
I personally have never seen that happen. I am not an expert, but from what i have seen, mine try to eat the babies as they deliver them. Not a pretty site, my girls dont even stop eating food to let me know they are about ready to drop. I have to literally fight to get the babies before they do. Sandy
:lol: Sandy that sounds like the last batch of Guppies I had...I had the net in there and as soon as she popped one out I had to grab it cause she would turn around and get it..I fought her tooth and nail, She managed to get a few from me :( I wanted to bop her on her head as say leave them alone!! :D :crazy:
I completely know that feeling, :lol: that is why i gave up on the net and got out my turkey baster, easier to suck them up with i think. You just suck up the water near them and they go in. I have made my turkey baster a big part of my guppy tank. I use it for babies and to suck up the food that my boys think the guppies need. :crazy: I cant wait until mine got some color so i can see what dad they came from. She was pregnant when i got her so it wil be a surprise. :alien: Sandy

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