Fish Crazy
i thought my female guppie was pregnant but a couple of days ago i came to the conclusion that it was'nt becuase it had been 6 weeks and still was'nt fat but it did have the black mark but this morning i woke up and found 1 yellow fry i netted it up and put it in the breeding trap and i managed to net up 9 then i put the seperator in and put the mom incase she had any more but when i came home 2 fry had swam up through the didivider and had been eaten and she had not had any more but she still has a black mark behind her anal fin like before but she has'nt had any more so i've put her back in the other fishes, how come the black mark has'nt gone?
P.S catching fry is hard i was late for school this morn!
P.S catching fry is hard i was late for school this morn!