New Fowlr Setup Advice


New Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hi all

I've already got a sucessful 50G REEF tank and I want to setup a 200G FOWLR.

I want a very minimalist approach with some substrate and white rock, not LR.

Ideally I want to house all the LR in a seperate 100G sump.

Would this be very aggressive tank:

Dragon Eel


Porcupine Puffer

Possibly some Lions but I'm not 100% sure yet

Cant see why not. I cant give you advice on the fish, but the system sounds alright. Make sure in your sump design you leave room for an appropriate sized skimmer.
Yeah, I'm not sure about the lionfish either... Dunno how well they got on with triggers or eels. I also agree with Mr Miagi, a BIG skimmer will be required if you're gonna keep lots of messy predators
First I would advse to drop the lions. The first problem with lions will be the porc and the triggers. You may get lucky, some people keep porcs with lions no problems, but you generally wake up to find lion rays all over the tank.

I assume you mean a Dragon Moray Eel. If so you are looking at around $1,000 per fish, and they have large teeth, know how to use them and are aggressive to boot. I can't recall seeing anyone keeping a DME with anything as there is too much risk of the other fish ending up eel food. Also, most people don't want the risk of other creatures dieing or fowling up the tank and wiping out a very expensive fish.

I like the idea of a minimalist tank. Should look nice, though remember eels like places to curl up and hide in.

Filtration: with a big pred tank you really want to aim for a skimmer rated 2-3 times the size fo your tank (so try and find a 600 gallon tank skimmer). I personally would consider the plus points of running a huge macro-algae and/or deep sand bed sump for nitrate and nutrient export and use a wet/dry to handle the ammonia and nitrites. These systems are good enough for sharks so should work fine for you in this setup.

You mention dragon eels going for $1k, my LFS was selling a mexican dragon eel for £55!!!!!!!!!

I missed out by 10 minutes buying it, I was gutted


Need to look into trickle filters I think

Thanks for all your help

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