New Fixed Canister Poll! Whats The Best Canister Filter?

WHich one is the best for the money!!!!

  • Eheim Pro Series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eheim ECCO Series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fluval

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magnum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rena

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • TetraTec

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marineland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Proquatics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ViaAqua

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PennPlax

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jebo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (List with description/opinion)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Experiences have been with eheim 3e, classic 2215 and Fluval 305. Eheim hands down mostly because I'm now running a loan beat up eheim 2028 pro 2 instead of my fluval becase the 305 is now at the shop getting fixed up. I'm actully quite annoyed at my 305 packing up because pound for pound it was better at mechanical filtration, which required more cleaning of the 305 and now a leaking motor case.

I think I might buy a pro II when i upgrade my tank and sell my fluval later on down the road.
I voted Fluval, but TBH, I see little difference between them and my Rena. Both are good quality filters IMO, and they run for weeks without needing attention. Both were bought second hand, so I don't realy know how old they are, but they are going strong, arround 6 months after purchase :hyper: I find the fluval slightly easier to prime than the Rena, but most people seam to find it the other way arround.
I also used to run an Ehiem, which I was not overly impressed with. Several leaks, and an impeller failure after purchase, I sold it on, having goten fed up of the trouble. This is supprising, as they are usualy a reliable brand. It was however my first exturnal, so mebe it was just newbies syndrome.
I have heard may good things from the other manufacturers in the list, that are readily availabe from the UK.

Hope you found my input useful
This poll is useless without being more specific in the polls. Such as Fluval. What type of fluval? IT seems there is some specifics but not on all brands. I won't vote untill there is more specifics.
This poll is useless without being more specific in the polls. Such as Fluval. What type of fluval? IT seems there is some specifics but not on all brands. I won't vote untill there is more specifics.
I doubt it matters much. Look at the date of the last post before Iron Man's recent post ;)
Actually if it weren't for this website, I never would have heard a single negative thing about fluval. Is it possible that since a large number of the members are from the UK, maybe it is just a UK factory that makes them and is making them more craptacularly than the american based company? Hmmmm.

I agree entirely, never heard a bad thing... before I joined TFF :p

All Fluvals are made in Italy I believe...
Ive got a classic 2213, weak, probably due to the fact its the smallest in the range but I wouldnt recommend it, even on my small 20g it barely makes a current.
I actually have an Ehiem Pro 1 and Tetratec 1200, they are pretty much the same, both very reliable so far, both easy to clean, had the ehiem for 3-4 years and tetra 1-2 years. Which would I go for again if had the choice, I think the tetratec due to cost and there is a self primer on it.
This poll is useless without being more specific in the polls. Such as Fluval. What type of fluval? IT seems there is some specifics but not on all brands. I won't vote untill there is more specifics.
I doubt it matters much. Look at the date of the last post before Iron Man's recent post ;)

Ah, good catch :good:
I am using 2 x Eheim 2080 on my 180 gallon and having very good results.

Cannot think of any other filter.

HAve used Fluval, Rena filters before without any issues but the bioload that the monsters I have cannot be handled by anyone.

Thats my opinion....

We realy need to get rid of that "similar posts" section at the bottom. It keeps digging up these old threads...

I voted Fluval, but TBH, I see little difference between them and my Rena. Both are good quality filters IMO, and they run for weeks without needing attention.

Amazes me how much my view has changed over the last few months realy....

What posessed me to vote Fluval? After this thread, the filter started giving out electric shocks and lost flow, after becomming noisy and high maintanance.... Pulled it from the Discus tank as it wan't coping anymore. Gave it away, and the person whom has it now, had it drain 1/3 of his tank's contents onto the floor in the time it took him to cross the room and shut the valves after it's 9 month old main seal failed... Needless to say, I won't be getting another one of those....

The Rena started haing it's main seals leak on me, so that has also gone, kind of in discrase. It never failed hard like the Fluval did, just a slow seaping from the seal when running or sitting primed...

Still don't like Eheim much, though I have toned down my opinions of them after a few debates...

I now run soley Tetratec's on my freshwater tank. They were bought arround 6 months ago, and I like them so far. Mind, I still liked the Fluval and Rena filters at this point....

Best regards for now
Since it's been resurrected.

Observing what filters people have trouble with most at the LFS, I'd have to say it's Eheim's (and not old ones) - but that's only people having to buy relatively small replacement parts like impellers and stuff, they never seem to fail fully.

Next on the list is Rena filters...over the summer 2 people had their renas just stop working for no apparent reason, and bought new filters, and before the summer one other person had the same thing happen, these filters were 2-3 years old. None of these leaked or anything - they just stopped pumping the water.

One person had a problem with a fluval 205, but it didnt fail or anything - they had just somehow managed to break the aquastop valve things and got a replacement valve under warranty - but that's all so far.

I've never had anyone have problems with a tetratec yet.

There's also a kind of filter small graveyard downstairs in the basement with equipment that has been meant to be returned due to breaking (but I think they are still there because they were scavenged for parts of something). This consists of a couple of fluval 04 models, a couple of interpet filters, some cheap 'resun' filters and oddly - one eheim pro.

Myself, I like the fluval 05 models, because of the ease of use, price, good experiance with internal filters for years and the stories I've heard from people of having fluval externals running for 10+ years. I've only heard bad stories about them on this forum, though have heard of the 04 models causing problems elsewhere.

If I had lots of money I would get eheim pro's, but I don't, so fluvals represent brilliant value for me.
the first external filter i bought was a fluval 305 off someone here nad if i had known what i know now about them i wouldnt have bothered buying, at first i thought it was just me but after reading peoples problems with the restarting it after doing maintaince on it i dont feel so stupid. mine has also deveolped a leak just above the clips, is this where most prople seem to suffer their leaks.

i now have a eheim pro 2 2026 and its possibly the best bit of fish equipment i have ever bought, its a brezze to clean and after plug it back in and game ball it goes back to work.

a friend of mine uses both a tetra tec and a aqua one external filter and swears by them,

i guess its a case of different strokes for differnt folks

I have also voted fluval, here is my review on the filters i own/ have owned:

1st - fluval 105, my first external filter and it was great, i later upgraded to a larger tank...
2nd - Fluval 205, my second external, and second fluval, exactly the same applies to above great filter
3rd - another 205 (for a different tank) again, still no problems.
4th - eheim classic 2215, you say fluvals are hard to prime (which i have not found after 2 years) then these stress me everytime i empty one! (and i have only done it twice :shout: ) not to mention getting the lid off, there is that much suction i have to take it outside and release the water just to take the suction away so i can get the lid off!

Fluvals are great, they are also asimple to use, another thing on my eheim, yes it is better build qualty, but do you really need it? i mean, after all it is only a filter which is doesnt have to be that good quality to pass the test. they are also cheaper.
I am just gonna jump right in on the underappreciated wagon here and say that function for dollar, you cant really beat the magnum cannisters. Yes yes, they are old tech, and not very pretty or fancy, but for I just got three of them for less than 80 dollars US, to include replacing one of the O rings and an impeller. And that coud have been about $17 less if I hadn't been trying to support the LFS. Good flow rates, self priming, gravel vac attachment, and the ability to do a really good polish on your water with the micron cartridge. Since the question is value for dollar, I have to go with the Magnum 350.

Engaging flame shield... :p

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