Howdoo all,
Just returned from pets at home with my latest aquisitions. I went for 6 congo tetras and that's what I got for one, 6 nice juvis. don't know how many male or females, we'll see what develops.
I also noticed in a little display tank some galaxy rasboras, so I ended up coming away with 5. They're tiny fish and they're in my 60 litre community at the moment till I decide where to put a species breeder. I just hope my apisto doesn't eat them, he appeared to have a nip at one of them! Hopefully i'll have 5 galaxy's in the morning!
Just returned from pets at home with my latest aquisitions. I went for 6 congo tetras and that's what I got for one, 6 nice juvis. don't know how many male or females, we'll see what develops.
I also noticed in a little display tank some galaxy rasboras, so I ended up coming away with 5. They're tiny fish and they're in my 60 litre community at the moment till I decide where to put a species breeder. I just hope my apisto doesn't eat them, he appeared to have a nip at one of them! Hopefully i'll have 5 galaxy's in the morning!