New Fish That Are Hardy

Most tetras are good... Black skirts, phantoms, glowlights, columbians...

Also most livebearers are easy once the tank's been cycled and running for a bit, like guppies, swordtails, platys, etc...
Dude, no... never not do a water change for 6 months. That says it cuts down on frequent water changes. You should still do 20-30% at least once a month... especially if you only have a small tank...
Yes i do know what cycling is but that stuff that tetra makes it says it does it for you and dont have to change your water for up 2 6 months any thoughts heses the link
Load of old crap. No matter how big your tank if you want to have good water quality you must do weekly water changes and gravel vacs. Dont believe a word of it.
But you're not supposed to do water changes during the cycling process, right? They say it slows down and delays the cycle. 8) -_-
But you're not supposed to do water changes during the cycling process, right? They say it slows down and delays the cycle. 8) -_-
That's right. When fishless cycling you just need gravel and water and dont do any water changes. I also had plants which probably wasnt a good idea but it was too late and most of them survived. It took about 3 weeks to complete with my 10gal UK tank and I then fully stocked it. Have only suffered 2 losses since in about 3 months, both unexplainable, but tank is really beginning to settle and look matured now after 6 months.
Platies, pure and simple: use a Cycling bacteria forumulation and you can add as soon as your water is settled(i let mine do so for a week). They are as tough as buggery, mines still cycling and the mother has already dropped a load of fry.
danios - FOR DEFINATE - seem to made of stern stuff!!! they cycled my tank and i have not had 1 fish death (altho people harping on about another method - and they have had fish deaths)

the thing that tetra makes to stop water changs every 6 weeks or whatever it is - THIS IS NOT GOOD METHOD FOR MAINTENANCE - as we DO need to clean the gravel and change the water - to be honest i have used this stuff - not for the water change thing - but concerning it stabilizes the KH and nitrAtes - but i DO NOT use it anymore (wase of money i think)
Platies, pure and simple: use a Cycling bacteria forumulation and you can add as soon as your water is settled(i let mine do so for a week). They are as tough as buggery, mines still cycling and the mother has already dropped a load of fry.

Yah, id also say swordtails are just as tough

danios - FOR DEFINATE - seem to made of stern stuff!!! they cycled my tank and i have not had 1 fish death (altho people harping on about another method - and they have had fish deaths)

the thing that tetra makes to stop water changs every 6 weeks or whatever it is - THIS IS NOT GOOD METHOD FOR MAINTENANCE - as we DO need to clean the gravel and change the water - to be honest i have used this stuff - not for the water change thing - but concerning it stabilizes the KH and nitrAtes - but i DO NOT use it anymore (wase of money i think)

Yes, totall waste of money

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