New Fish For Tropical Community


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2009
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Just looking for a few new fish.

Currently have a pair (m & f) dwarf gouramies, Dwarf Platy's, Guppys, Neon Tetras, Bloodfind Tetras, Bristlenose catfish.

I'm looking to get a Sailfin Molly which should be fine as I had a molly before.

I've been told to be careful having more than one male gourami if theres a female in the tank. I'd love some of these:

I also like the idea of a Banded Gourami (colisa Fasciata) but havn't been able to find any in store or online!

Would also love a siamese fighter - but have been warned about fin nipping!

maybe also a rainbow

and a gold algae eater

I'd be grateful of any thoughts on compatability or any other unusual community fish.

what size is your tank, and what are the numbers of fish you have at the moment?
what size is your tank, and what are the numbers of fish you have at the moment?

Tank is about 100 litres
Stocking: 2 Dwarf Gourami, 3 Dwarf Platy's, 3 Guppys, 4 Neon Tetras, 4 Bloodfind Tetras, 1 Bristlenose catfish.
What about some rams?? dutch or electric blue?? Colourful and good community fish??
What about some rams?? dutch or electric blue?? Colourful and good community fish??

thanks, they do look like nice fish. are they compatible with my stocking? I normally don't even look at cichlids just in case!

Any more thoughts on the fish in my op.

Rams usually only show aggresion toward themselves, so you should be fine.
Mollies are not aggressive, so would be completley fine with your tank.

Dwarf Neon rainbows would suit your tank, as some of the other species can grow toward 8" long, i have a group of 4 Bosmeani which are atleast 6" long (males).

Why not add another bristlenose,if you can sex the one you have now (males have a lot of "bristles" on the nose, as the name suggests) and add one of the opposite sex, they're quite easy to breed, :good:

Badis are nice little fish, but if you have any fish with trailing fins, they wont be afraid to tear them off :crazy:
bearing in mind you already have quite a few fish, i'd probably up your numbers, and have a final stocklist of the following:
2 Dwarf Gourami, 3 Dwarf Platy's, 4 Guppys, 8 Neon Tetras, 6 Bloodfind Tetras, 2 Bristlenose catfish.

Then MAYBE add another dwarf gourami, but be careful because as you said, more then one male will usually end in trouble.

I thought it was time to update this thread!

My current stocking is:

1 x 5cm Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris)
4 x 3cm Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
4 x 2cm Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
2 x 3cm Guppy (Poecillia Reticulata)
2 x 4cm Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia)
3 x 3cm Dwarf Platy (Xiphophorus Maculatus)
4 x 3cm Glass Bloodfin Tetra (Prionobrama Filigera)
2 x 2cm Amano Shrimp (Cardina Multidentata)
3 x 4cm Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae)

I am still thinking of adding one or two extra fish. I like the idea of rainbow fish, but not the dward neons - possibly a madagascar rainbow. Certainly something slightly larger but suited to the tank.
I would suggest increasing the # per shoal of what you already have? Like, add more cardinals/neons/bloodfin. It will look really nice to have larger numbers of what you already have and the fish will do better with a bigger group too.
I would suggest increasing the # per shoal of what you already have? Like, add more cardinals/neons/bloodfin. It will look really nice to have larger numbers of what you already have and the fish will do better with a bigger group too.

yes we may go for a few more tetras, but i would really like some larger fish too
I would suggest increasing the # per shoal of what you already have? Like, add more cardinals/neons/bloodfin. It will look really nice to have larger numbers of what you already have and the fish will do better with a bigger group too.

yes we may go for a few more tetras, but i would really like some larger fish too

Do you like Emperor Tetras? They get bigger and you don't have to have them in a shoal unless you want to. They males look amazing when they mature! Pearl Gourami are always nice as well but shouldn't be kept in anything smaller than a 50 gallon(not sure what you have).
Bolivian Rams would go nicely! :)I have a pair of them, they display fantastic colours and don't bother ANY of my other fish :)
Hi All,

Something to add here. I've been offered some fish - another Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris) & 2 mature Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae).

These would be added to:

1 x 5cm Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris)
4 x 3cm Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
4 x 2cm Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
2 x 3cm Guppy (Poecillia Reticulata)
2 x 4cm Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia)
2 x 3cm Dwarf Platy (Xiphophorus Maculatus)
4 x 3cm Glass Bloodfin Tetra (Prionobrama Filigera)
2 x 2cm Amano Shrimp (Cardina Multidentata)
3 x 4cm Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae)
3 x 3cm Siamese Fighters female (Betta Splendens)

In theory this should be fine - I have the same species already. That said, the Loaches are large & I'm worried they could bully the other fish (espicially there being 5 of them).

Any thoughts please?
Hi All,

Something to add here. I've been offered some fish - another Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris) & 2 mature Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae).

These would be added to:

1 x 5cm Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris)
4 x 3cm Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
4 x 2cm Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
2 x 3cm Guppy (Poecillia Reticulata)
2 x 4cm Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia)
2 x 3cm Dwarf Platy (Xiphophorus Maculatus)
4 x 3cm Glass Bloodfin Tetra (Prionobrama Filigera)
2 x 2cm Amano Shrimp (Cardina Multidentata)
3 x 4cm Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae)
3 x 3cm Siamese Fighters female (Betta Splendens)

In theory this should be fine - I have the same species already. That said, the Loaches are large & I'm worried they could bully the other fish (espicially there being 5 of them).

Any thoughts please?

having thought about this a little more, I'm thinking of saying no to the loaches. The 3 smaller ones I have are ocassional agressive and I'm not sure if I want to add to that.

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