New Fish Advice


Aug 14, 2006
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i have a mature tank and have given away some of my smaller fish to make way some other more eyecatching fish.

so i was hoping some forum members would be able to give me some suggestions of what to get next.

at the moment this is what i have stocked.

1 x sailfin plec (approx 8 inches)
2 x albino corys
2 x panda corys
6 x congo tetras
1 x opaline/silver gourami
1 x male cherry barb ( little deformed fish i got by mistake, thought he would die but dead active and healthy lol, dissapears for days then see him dead bright and active lol)
3 x tiger nerite snails.

im probly going to get 2 female cherry barbs for the lonely deformed male but unsure what else to get. i have a 240litre setup with a few plants but not heavily planted. i want a bit of colour but very unsure so any help would be appreciated

thank you
i have a mature tank and have given away some of my smaller fish to make way some other more eyecatching fish.

so i was hoping some forum members would be able to give me some suggestions of what to get next.

at the moment this is what i have stocked.

1 x sailfin plec (approx 8 inches) You will need to rehome him soon, will be too much for filter and also get too big for tank
2 x albino corys- fine will shoal with pandas
2 x panda corys- fine as above
6 x congo tetras- get around 12, so 6 more
1 x opaline/silver gourami- fine
1 x male cherry barb ( little deformed fish i got by mistake, thought he would die but dead active and healthy lol, dissapears for days then see him dead bright and active lol) min.6, get 5 more
3 x tiger nerite snails. good

im probly going to get 2 female cherry barbs for the lonely deformed male but unsure what else to get. i have a 240litre setup with a few plants but not heavily planted. i want a bit of colour but very unsure so any help would be appreciated

thank you

as i said, rehome the plec ASAP, this makes your chance of adding more fish possible. I would also say, that if you give the one cherry barb back you can get 6 Neon Tetras, so then you wouldn't have to get more Congo's. This would add alot of colour into the tank. I would advise getting more live plants, places to hide but also more oxygen in tank :D
i have a mature tank and have given away some of my smaller fish to make way some other more eyecatching fish.

so i was hoping some forum members would be able to give me some suggestions of what to get next.

at the moment this is what i have stocked.

1 x sailfin plec (approx 8 inches) You will need to rehome him soon, will be too much for filter and also get too big for tank
2 x albino corys- fine will shoal with pandas
2 x panda corys- fine as above
6 x congo tetras- get around 12, so 6 more
1 x opaline/silver gourami- fine
1 x male cherry barb ( little deformed fish i got by mistake, thought he would die but dead active and healthy lol, dissapears for days then see him dead bright and active lol) min.6, get 5 more
3 x tiger nerite snails. good

im probly going to get 2 female cherry barbs for the lonely deformed male but unsure what else to get. i have a 240litre setup with a few plants but not heavily planted. i want a bit of colour but very unsure so any help would be appreciated

thank you

as i said, rehome the plec ASAP, this makes your chance of adding more fish possible. I would also say, that if you give the one cherry barb back you can get 6 Neon Tetras, so then you wouldn't have to get more Congo's. This would add alot of colour into the tank. I would advise getting more live plants, places to hide but also more oxygen in tank :D

the plecs fine as its not a small tank and the filtration is very good, as for 6 more congos, think that would be too much as they are quite big anyway. cherry barbs i might get a shoal going not sure yet.

like i said just need some colour!!!
omg so they are, just googled them -_-
Dont take that advice, i assumed being tetras they would be small. :|

But my opinion about the plec still stands :)
omg so they are, just googled them -_-
Dont take that advice, i assumed being tetras they would be small. :|

But my opinion about the plec still stands :)

im still keeping the plec cos ive had him ages and he looks stunning.

come on forum members help me out here!!!!
I too think you will eventually need to rehome the plec, its a decent sized tank but not big enough for a plec that will reach 22-24" long

I too think you will eventually need to rehome the plec, its a decent sized tank but not big enough for a plec that will reach 22-24" long


i agree but he will be gettin rehomed to a bigger tank when the time comes. what rate are they supposed to grow at because mine is only 8" long at the moment.
If you want colour, then I highly recommend rainbowfish, particularly Lacustris (turquoise rainbows) or boesemani, your tank size is suitable, other fish will be fine with them, although they can looked washed out in the shops (which is a shame) once happily in a tank, they are beautiful fish, change colours often and IMO are a great addition to most community setups large enough to house them.

A group of 6 of either of those species (or you can mix them) would be great, no smaller group as they do like to shoal and are happier in larger groups.
I had the same thing - needed to brighten up my tank as it was mainly silvers and yellows in there

Serpae tetras and bright orange and have certainly added a splash of colour to my tank! Another new favourite is the Odessa Barb - they caught my eye as soon as I walked in, never seen em before but had to get them, beautiful.

Agreed with Minxfishy on the Bosemanis, providing you dont mind them being a little dull in colour if you buy them as juvies, once theyve matured, they are amazing - I have 2 young uns in there, and theyre starting to get flecks of colour
I had the same thing - needed to brighten up my tank as it was mainly silvers and yellows in there

Serpae tetras and bright orange and have certainly added a splash of colour to my tank! Another new favourite is the Odessa Barb - they caught my eye as soon as I walked in, never seen em before but had to get them, beautiful.

Agreed with Minxfishy on the Bosemanis, providing you dont mind them being a little dull in colour if you buy them as juvies, once theyve matured, they are amazing - I have 2 young uns in there, and theyre starting to get flecks of colour

im not too keen on rainbow fish although when mature the colours can be stunning.

im a big fan on the tropedo bard (Puntius denisonii). the bright red line would be a good contrast to what i have. has any1 any experience with this fish as they seem quite rare in my area and very pricey.
I had the same thing - needed to brighten up my tank as it was mainly silvers and yellows in there

Serpae tetras and bright orange and have certainly added a splash of colour to my tank! Another new favourite is the Odessa Barb - they caught my eye as soon as I walked in, never seen em before but had to get them, beautiful.

Agreed with Minxfishy on the Bosemanis, providing you dont mind them being a little dull in colour if you buy them as juvies, once theyve matured, they are amazing - I have 2 young uns in there, and theyre starting to get flecks of colour

im not too keen on rainbow fish although when mature the colours can be stunning.

im a big fan on the tropedo bard (Puntius denisonii). the bright red line would be a good contrast to what i have. has any1 any experience with this fish as they seem quite rare in my area and very pricey.

Dude, what size tank are they in? Don't just say " It's not a small tank and filtration is good ". To me is sounds like " I have something under 30g and the filtration is a regular filter ". This may not be the case. Would care to extrapolate?
No doubt in my mind that I would add either rainbowfish or cherry barbs- probably the latter; you'd b surprised how much colour and life a group of cherry barbs can add to your aquarium! Failng that, perhaps a group of something like platies??

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