New First Cories And Eggs?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Hello guys last night I brought home 6 cories, I think they are caudimaculatus. They are gorgeous, our first cories ever and it seems they are to be our first egg layers ever! We have found about 20+ eggs on the glass and some plants. I have rolled most of them off to a small 5g with heater and filter, (the filter is a mini elite, I dont have a sponge or the bits to make one) I dropped two which couldnt find again and left three on the plants in the tank to see what happens. Fingers crossed I moved them well,should I put double stockings/tights over the filter to help them not being sucked in? I have it on full power at the moment to keep the water circulated around them to help stop fungus.Any tips really appreciated. These are our first eggs ever!
Congrats on your cories and good luck with the eggs, :good:

I've just read up on these has i hadn't heard of them and they are suppose to be hard to breed,so fingers crossed your eggs are fertile :)

Has long as there's air circulated to prevent fungus on the eggs,i put an airstone & pump in mine and it seemed to do the trick.:)
thanks harlequins, think I will post a pic of them to see if they are what they are, I have a pump and can get airstone tomorrow. Should I take the filter out for the moment?
Aw brill, thanks for the help! Off to get a airstone today so can have something a bit gentler and better positioned, thanks so much for the help :)
Thanks Harlequins! Well seen one free swimming earlier, 4 tails out moving about, and there are still about 8ish waiting for something, they look developed, so will see what tomorrow brings :) Very exciting xx
Hi lilacamy931 :)

Good for you! Lots of luck with them. :)

I'd like to see a picture of the spawning group if possible.
Hello Inchworm, thank you very much, I will try to get some pics tonight when home from work, I am guessing it will not be easy as they shy away from the camera but will give it a go!
Here is a quick peek of one of them when adding to the tank

p.s. more have hatched this morning as the eggs have disappeared they are pretty hard to see at the moment, there are still some stragglers needing to hatch (about 3 left now) it wasnt a big clutch with about 15ish eggs to start with and 4 went opaque white which removed. definately seen at least two swimmers this morning.
Nice looking cory, lilacamy931. :thumbs: I'm quite fond of that species. I do hope you will continue to post the progress of the fry as they grow up. :D
Thank you very much, I certainly will, as of last night they were all free swimming, so heres fingers crossed I do well for a first time mum!
Camera didnt focus last night, hopefully get some by the end of the week, will be sure to get some of the potential parents though :) Thanks for all the support and great advice.

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