New First Betta Wont Eat


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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1 gallon temp tank - previous tank was a 4 oz cup at the PetSmart
heated ~80 F
food pellets

so i drop the pellets in, but my Betta does not notice them. it is possible he isnt hungry or he is just adjusting to the tank

he is active

no visible issues

i need help getting him 2 eat!
is it floating or sinking food? if its sinking, he might not notice it if its not right infront of his face.. mine always used to give up on sinking food cuz it dropped too fast so they gave up.. try floating food.. gives them more chance to see it and go for it as the are surface breathers. it should work.. if not urr... ^^ not sure
is it floating or sinking food? if its sinking, he might not notice it if its not right infront of his face.. mine always used to give up on sinking food cuz it dropped too fast so they gave up.. try floating food.. gives them more chance to see it and go for it as the are surface breathers. it should work.. if not urr... ^^ not sure

its floating
mhmm.. strange.. and he compltely misses the food? does he go for it and spit it out or not bother at all?
mhmm.. *scratches head* normally people say to leave them to settle in for at least 24 hours, no light or food during that time.. is it pellet or flake? if its pellets, try giving him some flake in a couple of days, mush it up a bit so its smaller pieces, if he still doesnt go for it, try goin back to the shop and ask what they used to feed him, and if he took that food.. how old is he? have u got a pic?
He will need anything up to four or five days to settle in before he feels like eating. The move will have been very stressful for him.

If you can upgrade any time soon to a 2.5g or 5g tank, he will be much happier.
mhmm.. strange.. and he compltely misses the food? does he go for it and spit it out or not bother at all?

mhmm.. *scratches head* normally people say to leave them to settle in for at least 24 hours, no light or food during that time.. is it pellet or flake? if its pellets, try giving him some flake in a couple of days, mush it up a bit so its smaller pieces, if he still doesnt go for it, try goin back to the shop and ask what they used to feed him, and if he took that food.. how old is he? have u got a pic?

not sure of the age, but i will post a pic in just a minute.

i am feeding pellets. i just put an bid in on ebay for some frozen blood worms
thinking of blood worm.. give him a few days to setlte in and as smegforbrains said, try upgrading to a bigger tank.. elite do a small tank thats a good size for bettas.. 14 litre, got a bow front that goes the wrong way lol.. Fred seemed happ enough in that.. but yeah.. if u can post a pic, and say roughly how big he is length wise, and try some pellets.. see how that goes :)
i wouldn't worry to much at the minute, my current guy took 2 weeks before he finally ate anything, just give him time to settle and wait for the wiggle dance
he is just stressed, he looks to carry good weight so it shouldnt affect him in the long run.

be warned, once he is happy he may eat any and everything that goes in his tank. my female bettas are pigs and will eat live, frozen, flake, pellet, alge waffers, sinking food and even fry food. they also can mistake fraying silk plants and ruber bands for worms, so make sure to keep those clear of the tank.

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