New Filter

i dont know much but if i were you i would take the snails out in case they have died and are infecting the tank more
again I am UNSURE but it would be wot i would do
Well Last night I put in the old filter again with two new sponges. Decided to wipe the slate clean and get rid of new filter. The cories are now showing improvement as they are visibly breathing now. I still have sick fish though. So far I have lost all my tetras (6), 2 pristella tetras, 1 similis cory, 2 panda loaches, as for snails, I reckon they have died too (MTS that is) the apples still appear to be moving slightly but not much at all. Lost a few ramshorns too. Not to mention my plants have been bubbbled to death but the pumps.

I'm so gutted. :( I can't stand being in my room as its only now I have realised how much I look at the tank, but now I don't want to cuz it's so heartbraking. :-(
Sorry, what are your presents stats at the moment.
Anytime I set up a new filter I rinse it thoroughly with tap water, and run some carbon. Various solvents & other chemicals are used in the manufacturing process of plastics, and more than likely the only thing the guy running the injection molding machine knows about fish is that they taste good on Friday.

This sounds like chemical exposure to me, a few large water changes using a water conditioner that takes care of heavy metals should help, along with plenty of fresh carbon. If you plan on using the new filter take it, along with any hoses, media containers, and anything that will contact water, and rinse it with tap water.
The fact that as soon as I turned the new filter on, things went pear shaped, which indicates a poison of somesort so I would agree with you there Tolak. But I'll guess I'll never know. Now I'm paranoid about everything. I don't know whether to just just chuck out the filter or not. Plus those sponges that smelt stale. They were obviously not stored properly and god knows what was spilled on them. A really crappy end to 2006 :(

Wilder, my water parameters don't appear to have changed much according to the dipsticks but this can't be true with the amount of water changes I did, plus going back to the old filter and new sponges. So I'm gonna go through the cycle again. Fingers crossed for my remaining fish- some of them have recovered really well considering they looked like they were at deaths door. Some sadly still are I sure. :(
if you're not happy about the flow rate of the old fluval ... have you tried just changing the powerhead part of the filter and keeping the old filter basket? or maybe just changing and cleaning the area around the impellor?

or if you want to use the new filter (you've already got it) you could run the both of them in the same tank? or run the new filter in some old tank water to pull all the plastic contaminants out??

just some ideas to keep you from chucking your new filter out! =S
The new filter is the cause of all this mess so I'll not be using it at all I don't think. Well I thought I'd update. Things are better now but I've lost about 16 fish. Neons, pristella tetras, loaches, danios, bandit and similis cories and loads of ramhorns have died. Just did a 20 litre water change and I always had to stop and unblock the siphon. Some of my plants have died too. This is just mental.

Atleast some of the cories have started rumaging around again. Don't know if they are eating. The remaining pristellas and danios appear to be spitting food out. I think the only good thing is my shrimps have appeared to be unaffected by it all. :sad:
Sorry about what has happened,it is obviously a freak accident no one expects a brand new filter sponge to cause trouble like that.Please don't give up your hobby
Thanks everyone for their input :). I think my tradgedy is far from over yet but I do feel slightly better about it all and already wondering what I should do for the future.

I can't smell anything at the moment due to having a cold but my dad thinks he can smell vinegar in the tank. Any ideas? Alot of ramshorns have KO'd and I tried to get rid of them but its difficult.

I think I'll be getting a baby steriliser to make anything I add in the future, more safe for my fishes.
I got a new filter to overfilter my tank yesterday and becuase of what happened to you i decided to wash everything thouroghly and on the plastic parts i washed off some kind of slippery film. Your heart ach may have saved me from the same fate. Thanks for posting and don't give up on your tank.
So everything worked out ok Boids-n-more?

I opened the filter for the first time tonight since all this happened. I noticed the output was getting really bad so assumed the filter was clogged. But it turns out it wasn't. I chucked the carbon pad and just put the filter back. So I'm back to square one. I have a filter that is not as good as it used to be (plus I have only half of the fish I used to have), and now I'm too scared to put anything in there. I desparately need a new filter but don't want to risk putting anything harmful in there. :sad:
I just read this entire thread and I'm just as confused as you are. There is nothing worse than having a tank crash. It happened to me once, years ago, and I never did figure out why. I lost every one of my fish over the course of four or five days. All one can do I guess is try to determine what was the cause. It sounds like maybe bad filter media in your case. Hard to believe, but I suppose it's possible. With Wilder's as-usual excellent suggestions and attention to detail you did everything possible.

Thank God for Wilder on these forums!

I agree with Boids-n-more, don't give up! You're obviously a very caring person, the RIGHT person to care for fish.

As far as filters go...have you considered an external, hang-on-back type?

Warm Regards,


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