New Filter

Which sponges smelt stale the old ones or the new ones.
An immediate water change.
The new ones. I'm smelling the other one just now and it reeks.
Get them out of the tank, sterlise them in the microwave in boiling water a few times, sounds like there something in them not agreeing with the fish.
Quite possibly. Worth a shot. I'm just gonna ditch those sponges and use one from another pack.
Do a water change and run some new black carbon in your filter.
Well the tank smells pretty bad too (same smell as the one on the sponges). Swapped the bad sponge for another ok sponge and still got the old media in there. Added a carbon sponge too like you said so hopefully this is gonna sort it. I think its been that sponge.
Also, I'm doing a ten litre water change.
Made the water smell, I would preform a water change I know it's late but best to be on the safe side.
Yeah Its a 63 litre tank, done a ten litre. I'm absolutely devastated.
They should perk up now, what have you done with the sponges as I would take them to the store, keep them in a plastic bag.
You might be able to claim for the fish if any die, as is sounds like the sponges havent been stored right or something.
I can't really remember where I bought them to be honest. I think it was acorn pets. I probably don't even have the receipt. I still have the sponges but theres nothing I can do. I think the snails are dyeing now too.
How did you store them.
Sorry it never rains but pours at times.
Had anything in your cuboard leeched onto the sponges, were they sealed up.
I have a cupboard under the fish tank, where all the fish things are kept. Sponges were in their box but air can get in and out if you know what I mean. Cories are still going up to surface, and still slightly lopsided. But still not breathing properly. This is horrible. If my fish die I'm never keeping a tank again. This is too heartbreaking.
I would turn the filter up to full speed, sorry hang in there.
As with the snails and corys being the worst effected sounds like you need more aeration at the moment.
Need that tank water going through the black carbon fast.

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