New Filter


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2005
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Tonight I put a new filter in the tank today. I just swapped for exactly the same kind (fluval 2). As my old filter has been running for two years now I wanted to put in a new one. So while I was at it, I swapped one half of the media for a new sponge so it's now half new and half old media in the new filter. I've never experienced any problems with changing the media like this before, but my fish are not right now. The cories don't even appear to be breathing. I have to nudge them to get them to swim up to the top to get O2. Everybody just seems slow and wobbly. I have put the pump in but so far no change. Whats happened!!!!?!?!??!?!
Just to make sure you are running the two filters.
The new sponges will have to mature.
Might be just the extra flow if you are running two filters.
I'm only running the new one with half old media in. I turned down the flow to the lowest too. I'm gonna loose some fish I just know it. Theres obviously something up with the water. I only have a dipstick test and although I know they are not exactly reliable , there is no indication of change. I test pH as my tank water is acidic, still no change there. :(
Quick go and get the other media you removed the benefical bacterial your tank will be cycling again.
What you should of done it ran both filters together just swapping some sponges around.
I binned it! Like I said before, I didn't think it would be a problem. I've swapped half and half plenty of times before. Oh dear there is not much I can do.
When did you bin it, check your stats though not keen on them dip sticks not that accurate.
An hour or so ago. The bin had been emptied recently but I'm not sure what the filter media is in the bin with.
ok leave it.
Corys are sensitive keep an eye on them.
Turn the flow up to full speed.
The cories are not breathing (gills are not visibly moving). But they are still going to the top for oxygen. What in the han is causing this? The tetras are slightly woozy but the snails and shrimp are still moving around like normal.
Turn filter up to full speed its tough on the bottom for corys.
Sounds like there not enough aeration in the tank with you turning the filter down.
Well the old filter had a crap output, hence why I wanted to change it. This new filter has a really strong output, even down on the lowest setting.
I would turn it up as the corys are shutting up for air and mine never do it much as I have alot of aeration in the tank.
Things are not good at all. Everyone is still lethargic and not visibly breathing, but still alive. Im so worried and upset.
Small water change.
How many gallons is the tank and which fish thinking of salt.
Did any household chemicals get into the tank while you was changing the filter.
I noticed the filter sponges smelled a bit stale. And the only thing I did out of the norm was add a little warm water to the new water I was adding to try and make it not freezing.

Heres a pic of one of the cories. The barbels/mouth area is more red I reckon. And its dorsal fin is down.

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