new fair betta comp

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Decided to enter Frosty in the competition: Here we go...



That's a beautiful fish SRC but I don't think it's fair really that we submit the pics that were taken by the auction site - if that's the case I have some really stunning pics (of fish I still have, but the pics aren't my own and were take by the breeder in Thailand) - it just kinda doesn't make sense to me as those bid pics are generally enhanced :/

All the pics submitted so far have all been taken by their current owners.
bloozoo2 said:
That's a beautiful fish SRC but I don't think it's fair really that we submit the pics that were taken by the auction site - if that's the case I have some really stunning pics (of fish I still have, but the pics aren't my own and were take by the breeder in Thailand) - it just kinda doesn't make sense to me as those bid pics are generally enhanced :/

i haven't really noted the photos to be enhanced, but there is another reason not to submit the auction photos: they're not yours. in the US at least, taking someone else's photograph and using it without express permission is a violation of intellectual property laws.
supersixone said:
bloozoo2 said:
That's a beautiful fish SRC but I don't think it's fair really that we submit the pics that were taken by the auction site - if that's the case I have some really stunning pics (of fish I still have, but the pics aren't my own and were take by the breeder in Thailand) - it just kinda doesn't make sense to me as those bid pics are generally enhanced  :/

i haven't really noted the photos to be enhanced, but there is another reason not to submit the auction photos: they're not yours. in the US at least, taking someone else's photograph and using it without express permission is a violation of intellectual property laws.
Have you ever bought a fish from an auction site with a super stunning picuture - if so you'll know that the vast majority of them are photoshop enhanced.
Jesus Christ I took it down. :rolleyes: :S

I think you people take these "for fun only" picture competitions WAY to seriously. I won't be posting in another one..ever. I'm sick of there being posted rules, following them, and still getting griped at after I (or someone else) posts.

The contest is for the fish not the photograph..or atleast that's how I see it, so if you have one that shows just how pretty your fish it..why not use it. I can't help most of the people here didn't get their fish off AB. Just seems to me that when someone gets mad because someone else has a "better" picture then they can take or have and wants to cry about it. I guess if my friend came in and took a picture of the fish and I posted it..I'd need to take that down as well ..huh? Since I didn't take it.

The fish is MINE so is the PIC..I asked the breeder before I saved it...I have asked everyone one that I've bought from..none have had a problem with it...since I did just spend $20-50 of my money to buy their fish.

So before you go accusing people of stuff..maybe you too SHOULD ASK. I don't appreciate being called a picture thief or a copy right (which the pic had no copywrite to begin with BTW) infringer. But to be quite honest..everyone does it when posting on a forum..anytime you post a picture of anything that YOU didn't take a pic of..well it could be labled the same you better stay off Google, and most of you might wanna get rid of your avatar photos..I'd imagine 98% of the people using them didn't take that pic either. :rolleyes:

And yes I have bought off "auction sites"...that fish looks just like his picture (just because he isn't flaring doesn't mean you can't see that his color is exactly the same)..all of my fish do...I've bought numerous fish from AB and none have looked differently when I got them home.

But anyways..have fun with your contest.
bloozoo2 said:
supersixone said:
bloozoo2 said:
That's a beautiful fish SRC but I don't think it's fair really that we submit the pics that were taken by the auction site - if that's the case I have some really stunning pics (of fish I still have, but the pics aren't my own and were take by the breeder in Thailand) - it just kinda doesn't make sense to me as those bid pics are generally enhanced  :/

i haven't really noted the photos to be enhanced, but there is another reason not to submit the auction photos: they're not yours. in the US at least, taking someone else's photograph and using it without express permission is a violation of intellectual property laws.
Have you ever bought a fish from an auction site with a super stunning picuture - if so you'll know that the vast majority of them are photoshop enhanced.

i browse aquabid all the time...a lot of the photos are quite lousy, actually. i guess it depends what you mean by "photoshop enhanced." as a photographer, i always post-process my images in photoshop. film photographers work in a darkroom; digital photographers have a digital darkroom. i see nothing wrong with using photoshop as a darkroom to postprocess your images, so long as the image is still an accurate representation of the fish.
SRC said:
the pic had no copywrite to begin with BTW

that's untrue. the moment someone presses the shutter release on their camera, the resulting image is copyrighted and recognized as such under copyright law. it is no longer required to display any type of copyright marking or symbol in order to enjoy the protection of the law. it's a big misconception, and i've had issues with people taking my images without permission. when i politely asked them to cease and desist, they refused, insisting that the fact that they are online makes them "public domain," which is of course not true at all. if they just didn't know any better and removed the images when i asked, that would have been fine, but insisting that they have the "right" to steal my photograph just ticks me off. that's the reason i've begun watermarking my fish photographs, which i think is ridiculous to have to do. i don't need to do it with any of my other images.

if the breeder released the photo to you, that's fine; mine do the same. i still don't think it's fair entering a contest with a photo you didn't take. i'd find using someone else's entry just as inappropriate whether it was taken by a professional photographer or by your next door neighbor. your entry should reflect your own personal abilities. my opinion anyway. for the record, i get quite a few of my fish on aquabid, so the "you can't afford aquabid fish" theory does not apply.
supersixone said:
so the "you can't afford aquabid fish" theory does not apply.

I didn't say did.

I said I can't help they didn't get their fish from there. Doesn't mean they can't afford too...usually means they can't have them shipped to where they are (ie UK). Quit trying to look "smart" and trying to start an argument.

I followed the rules by the OP, it did not mention not using the AB pics, so I posted it...we used them in the other one as well. Ya'll bitched I took it down and wiped my hands of it..simple as that.
SRC said:
supersixone said:
so the "you can't afford aquabid fish" theory does not apply.
Quit trying to look "smart" and trying to start an argument.


That's really just your perception; I am not trying to be argumentative. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding copyright law. I just took an opportunity to attempt to dispel a major one. It's useful information if someone ever tries to take your work. Most people aren't aware that they ARE protected, even if they don't register with the copyright office or place a watermark on their images.
This is where things went wrong with the original betta competitions. And this is why they were done away with. I'm torn on this so forgive my wishy washy-ness.

For arguments sake....what is to stop someone from having a professional photographer come in to take photos of their fish? Nothing.
It doesn't change the fact that you own the fish :dunno:
If someone owns a fish and they have a fantastic photo taken by someone else, someone who no longer needs it AND has given permission for it's use, I don't see a real problem.

But I can also see how some would find this unfair.

Since this isn't an official TFF contest I won't get too involved. I'd like to hear red-devil's opinion since she started this :p

Perhaps we need two comps, one with amateur pics and one with professionals :p
hm. i suppose i was viewing this more as a photography contest, in which of course it would only be fair to enter your own work. is the judging criteria confined strictly to the betta alone, without the quality of the photo coming into play? for example, could a not so great photo of a "fancier" betta plausibly win over a terrific photo of a betta with poorer finnage/form? if that's the case, then i guess there isn't any reason why you can't enter a photo taken by someone else, so long as you have their permission and/or the rights to the image.

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