New Dog

Ditto Miss Wiggle.....

Two things from your post....

He wont work unless theres something in it for him......

Not a surprise. Do you work for nothing? (and yes, that 'warm squishy' feeling you get from doing a nice thing for 'nothing' actually counts as a reward!).....

Trash cans.

Ok - you have to have trash cans. So, if he gets stuff out of the can, do NOT react. Half of the reward or possibly more, in taking stuff from the trash can, is having the people all leap about all agitated.

Keep him occupied with things that are nicer than those things he finds in trash cans - then he doesnt *need* to raid trashcans.

Then make sure he never gets a reaction if he does go near a trashcan - so trashcans are way less rewarding.

Try to make sure really tasty stuff doesnt hang around in the trash can for long - reduce temptation.

Teach him a really good 'leave' command so if he does have something you need, he knows he can swap it for something way better if you ask. (If its something you dont need, ie a tissue, rather than a mobile phone, ignore it. Yeah, it makes a mess but you are not reacting...... just wait till hes bored and doing something else then pick up the mess).

You could teach him that head in the trash can = no..... but. This will only work if theres someone to say it. He may figure that shoving his head in the can makes you go 'hey....' and bingo, he has your attention again.

If this does seem to be an attention seeking thing, then he needs more attention so give it to him but in a way that suits you.... and a way that tires out his devious doggy mind.


Well, good news, he's been doing a fantastic job lately, and it's going to get better, because mom is a work a lot now, and my brother's at school, so I'll have plenty of time to deal with him. He's actually gotten to the point where he'll come for me better than he does for my mom!

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