New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2005
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I've been setting up for two bettas for a while now. After reading these forums and gathering lots of new information on bettas, VT bettas just seemed so 'common' now. Not that they aren't beautiful! They truly are! My first betta years ago was a VT, and he lived a good long 4 years in a little 2.5 gallon tank. I missed him, which is why I started wanting new ones. :-(

However after seeing many crowntail bettas I fell in love. I bought these two lovely boys, and well... when they offered to send matching little girls too I couldn't resist. So I'm going to be setting up even MORE betta homes. I currently have a 5 gallon and 6 gallon tank fishless cycled.

I was thinking I may just split them both in half for their homes. Boy and girl next to each other, but not actually able to get to one another.

Anyways... to the good stuff! These should be arriving next Tuesday! :wub:

My purple butterfly boy.

His matching purple butterfly girlfriend.

My purple copper boy.

His very chubby (eggfull?) matching girlfriend.

Now I just have to figure out how to get this tank splitting working... or break down and buy more tanks. I read that girls can go together if there are 4 or more... so I may just end up getting one more 10 gallon tank and a couple more girlys. :*) But! Until I can get a 10 gallon cycled... the splitting is needed. *goes to search hobby stores* !!
Oh wow, the purple butterfly is gorgeous! I've been looking at crowntails myself but I missed seeing that one - I want one like him!!! His girlfriend looks adorable. The purple copper boy is beautiful as well. Who was the seller of them? I'd like to watch his future auctions and see if he offers any more that are similar.
I have heard several people say they use plastic canvas to spilt their tanks. But I don't think it would be a good idea to put a boy on one side then a girl on the other because the boy will harrass her by flaring and constantly trying to get to her. So until you can get a 10g you can you can put a boy on each side and then on the other tank you can put a girl on each side on the other tank. But just be sure to put some tall plants on each side of the canvas so they can't always see each other but only when the go through the plants to see each other. ;)
Wow, both pairs are AMAZING!!! :drool:
That CT would seriously be mine's twin... maybe he is? :huh: Do you know who the breeder is? *lol*
Bad pic, but here's my boy. I swear, he has the EXACT same finnage
Oooh, all of them are gorgeous! I love the Purple copper boy! He's stunning. And I just find the butterfly girl too cute. :wub: All pink and purpley...
I love them all. love there colours.

Right finally decided now that i've seen some beautiful female betta's lately that i'm going to get two for my 12gal. instead of gouramis.
I like that purple Butterfly CT gf. She would be nice in my sorority tank. :D

Wilder, these girls are terrific. They eat from your hand. They group around at feeding. I have to be careful not to accidently smack them when I swish the spoon. I just love my sorority tank. Always so much going on and very pretty. I have 10 girls in a 25 usg tall Marineland Show Tank.
Polardbear - Let me get the fish and see the condition they are in. I feel ‘weird’ about recommending a seller with out really knowing how healthy the fish are first. I’m sorry to be skeptical, I’ve just never bought any fish from aqua bid before. Just a pre-caution because I care. :)

The pairs came from two different sellers though. Both based in Thailand.

Synirr – Oh wow! He does look like his twin! You have a very pretty fish there, I hope mine is just as gorgeous when he arrives. Did he come from Thailand as well? Perhaps they are spawn siblings. :)

Wilder – Aww my new little babies swayed you to go back to bettas, I’m so proud. Hehe :D

jollysue – hehe aww I don’t even have her yet and I’m already in love with the little bf girly, I don’t think I could part with her. :wub:
Did he come from Thailand as well? Perhaps they are spawn siblings. :)
I *think* he did, Wuv would know for sure assuming she still has the show books. I bought him at a betta show :). I thought they might actually be siblings, since they both have webbing sacks, and that's not something you see very often.
Did he come from Thailand as well? Perhaps they are spawn siblings. :)
I *think* he did, Wuv would know for sure assuming she still has the show books. I bought him at a betta show :). I thought they might actually be siblings, since they both have webbing sacks, and that's not something you see very often.

Hehe that would be so cute, little brothers!! :wub:

I thought the webbing sacks (leans a new term) were quite stunning myself, I didn’t know that was a rare trait though. I guess I just got lucky that I was so impressed by it. Beginners luck? :hyper:

Well if you find out who it was let me know!!! :D
Those are beautiful :hyper: . How much were they? Im newbie at Bettas... fish... :-(
Oh man, I LOVE that topmost fish! And droool @ all those fish!!! :drool: :drool:

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