New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

Just wondering if you've gotten them yet?

All my new babies arrived safe and sound. They still look like they needs some time to color up, since they are pale. The poor little butterfly girly has her fins clamped, but the others are swimming around perfectly fine (just pale).

Their tanks are all at about 80 degrees and I added a bit of salt to help them adjust. I think its just a matter of time at this point until they de-stress.

However… the copper male well… I got a copper male, however it’s a different one from the one pictured here. I emailed the seller to ask him about it and he told me the one that I bought was sick so he sent a brother. I could tell since the other one had the pure black eyes and this one has pale eyes. I’m not sure if I should be upset about this since I didn’t get what I bid on, or if I should be pleased since the replacement is still quite pretty (though does have two curled rays).

Anyways! I will recommend the seller of the purple butterfly male and female since I got both of them with out any issues and they are both just the cutest. :wub:

The persons name on aquabid is Koblarp1960 you can feel free to ask him if he has more like the purple one I got. He is a newer seller, and his English is not the greatest, but he is a really nice guy. He is really great at responding back and following up with you, I was sure to send him an email thanking him after. So he has my recommendation. :)

I don’t think I’ll name the person I got the coppers from since I’m a little upset I didn’t get the one I asked for, but at the same time glad I did not get a sick fish. Ah sigh.

I don’t have a digital camera, but I’ll see about borrowing one from a friend at work. I'll try and get some pictures soon. Guess what I will be asking for, for Christmas. hehe

Those are beautiful :hyper: . How much were they? Im newbie at Bettas... fish... :-(

Too much... way too much. But I wanted some nice quality bettas that were not from the pet store. :)
I think total, with shipping all 4 were about 100 dollars... so yeah not a light investment. But I had been planning and saving up for them so its worth it. Though I guess when you do the maths its only 25 dollars a betta. Not too bad. :/

(sorry to make two posts, I wasn't sure how to quote two people in one post). :*)
I got a couple pictures of my boys if anyone is interested in seeing them. :)
I still haven't thought of names for any of them. So any suggestions are welcome! hehe

Copper boy (different one than originally pictured) being a tough guy.


Copper boy again, with his two curled rays. Still a very pretty boy.


Butterfly boy, looking red from the flash.


Butterfly boy with out flash so a bit more of the true colors (a bit blurry but posted for colors)


He's a real pretty purple in person. I'm not sure how the seller got his true colors so well in the picture that he took.

I love them though, they act like puppies. They wag their tails when I walk by their tanks. I’m sure they really are either saying “feed me!” or “this is my space, back off missy!”. But they have such personality. :D

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