New Crowntail


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I jsut got a new crown tail and was so happy until it starts to floot on top of the water with his lips up, I'm so worried, I love it =[
He's floating at the top with his mouth open? Is that what you're saying? What temp is the water? what size is the tank? Any other information would be helpful
1 gallon tank, i dunno the tempurture, alert(when I go to him, it runs )
sounds like serious water quality issues to me... do you have a heater and filtration set up? has the water been dechlorinated? where did u get the fish?
does he have a white film around his mouth? or any cotton like growths around his mouth?

get him into very shallow water where he dont have to come far up to breath. if you aint got a heater, get one to keep his teperature stable. do regular water changes, using water that has been treated with tap water conditoner, and ,ake sure the water is as close as possible to the same temprature as in his tank

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