i can confirm its a female! and the breed is procambarus clarkii.
yep they will eat snails, that said if they are few enough, larger snails, have been said to do ok. one word of warning though, if any one of the snails is damaged or hurt, this may well set off a killing spree by the Crayfish. i recently read a report on this subject by the US version of DEFRA, one cracked snail caused a big increase in the predation in the control sample.
related to this subject, most people don't realize that calcium is not part of a crayfish diet. though small amounts do go through the stomach, unlike fish cray do have a stomach. two in fact, nearly all the calcium a cray needs is absorbed, or taken in, through the carapace. eating snail shells will not help your cray grow strong. crushing them after moult may have a benefit though.
What would be the species of crayfish where i live? She looks to me exactly like the ones around here but we are almost as far Northeast as you can get in the US....Vermont.