New Cory - Bad Situation


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
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I have a 6 gallon tank which had a single Betta in it until about 2 weeks ago. I took a Cory off the hands of someone who was going to flush him as he was the single survivor of a tank that somebody no longer wanted. I know it's not the best situation for the little guy but I didn't want him flushed.

So far he seems ok. At first he was very freaked out and terrified of my Betta. The Betta totally ignores him. After a week, the Cory settled down and seems fairly calm. He's active in the tank and has done a bang up job on the brown algae that I was just cleaning myself. I did throw a small amount of flake food in there for him earlier this week to make sure he's not running out of food.

So now I'm not sure what to do. When I took him, I didn't know anything about Cories and now I see they are supposed to be in groups. My tank is small and I don't want to crowd it either. Should I get 2 more Cories so the one I have won't be alone? I'm really not sure what type of Cory he is. He resembles the Albino ones except his eyes don't look the same to me. He's also more of a yellow color than a white color.

Leave him be? Get him friends? Try to find him another home (unlikely but I could try)?

I should probably add I'm pretty new to fish keeping. This 6 gallon tank I have right now is my first one. I believe it is cycled although Nitrates generally stay around 0.2 because that is the natural state of my tap water (I have well water). I do regular bi-weekly 16% water changes, sometimes I do them 3 times a week because I think it's kind of fun. The Betta has been in it for about 3 months. I did have a ghost shrimp in there with him but the shrimp died of unknown causes. I also had a snail but I only had him in there for about a week. I believe he came to me dead from the fish store. I was content to just stick with my Betta until the Cory came along unexpectedly. I have really grown to like the little guy though. He's really cute. I'd like to do the best I can for him.
Hi Kandalyn

Try to be sure he gets more than algae. While Corys will graze on algae, they are an omnivore and need a rounded diet. They will love the blood worms you might feed your betta and normally are at least supplimented with Cory wafers. For one just a piece broken off would be plenty. Take care that in feeding him the Betta does not manage to get overfed.

Albinos will darken and look golden on a dark substrate. Most fish will be more colorful on dark substrate. That of course is not an ID. LOL If you can post a pic we will try to ID him for you.

It would be easily possible to add another Cory to a 6 gal. Actually 3 would most likely be possible with your maintenence schedule. It would depend on the footprint and filter also.

If you can provide the Cory with some shelter to hide in he will appreciate that.

I think you will enjoy your Cory. They are delightful creatures. You have 2 of the most personable aquarium fish: Betta and Cory.
My hat goes off to you Kendalyn.

I agree with what Jollysue said (I'd be an idiot not to) but I'd like to know what kind of filter you have on the tank. It's my understanding that a hi-flow outside filter that circulates a lot of water is one of the best ways to keep your tank clean, physically and chemically (other than changing the water every day).

Although you're changing the water frequently, I'm sure there will be times where you can't, like when going for a 2 week vacation. That's where a good filter is a life saver.

As you mentioned you do have Nitrates in your tank, though it's quite low, and that's why you have algae. You can lower it with nitrogen filters but one of the best ways is to have live plants in the tank.

As for the number of Corys, the general rule I use is to have no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon. Therefore, if your fish are each 1 inch in length, you can have 6 of them in a 6 gallon tank. They just can't get any bigger.

You really will enjoy the Corys. To me they are the clowns of the tank.

Good luck and cheers.
My tank is an Eclipse 6. It has the 3 stage bio wheel filtration. I change the filter pad about every 10 days. The dimensions of the tank are 16" wide, 7.5" deep, 14.5" wide.

I actually am thinking very seriously about making it a planted tank. I spent a long time at work (slow night) combing through the planted tank section on here and I'm really excited about trying it. I think I'd like to replace the gravel with sand (better for Corys anyway right?) and put some easy to care for plants in the back of the tank where I have fake ones now. Probably a Java fern and we'll see what else they have at the store. I also really want to try making a carpet with Java moss.

I will make sure the little guy gets some blood worms although I have a hard time making them sink. Maybe frozen will sink better?

When I get him friends, does it matter if they are the same type of Cory? I'm almost positive he is an Albino.
My tank is an Eclipse 6. It has the 3 stage bio wheel filtration. I change the filter pad about every 10 days. The dimensions of the tank are 16" wide, 7.5" deep, 14.5" wide.

For me the jury is still out about using a bio wheel filter as your main filter. Yes, they are extremely efficient but their major draw back is that when you change the wheel you are also removing the good bacteria that breaks down the ammonia and nitrites. So now it will be a week or so before the bacteria re-establishes itself and the filter becomes useful again. Of course you then replace it again 3 days later. One of the things that some recommend is to place a new wheel in the tank so that when you eventually insert it into the filter the bacteria is already established.

I personally like the Aqua Clear for smaller tanks and cannisters for large tanks. They are much more versatile and cheaper to operate (those wheels aren't cheap).

I actually am thinking very seriously about making it a planted tank. I spent a long time at work (slow night) combing through the planted tank section on here and I'm really excited about trying it. I think I'd like to replace the gravel with sand (better for Corys anyway right?)

Yes, just make sure that the sand is not coarse. I personally have various sized rounded and smooth gravel in my main 60 gallon (the 'boss' prefers the look) and my Corys don't seem to mind it.

and put some easy to care for plants in the back of the tank where I have fake ones now. Probably a Java fern and we'll see what else they have at the store. I also really want to try making a carpet with Java moss.

I love those java moss walls but are you sure your 6 gallon will be large enough without crowding the fish?

I will make sure the little guy gets some blood worms although I have a hard time making them sink. Maybe frozen will sink better?

When the frozen ones thaw they'll sink but it's messy. I only use them as treats. I normally feed mine sinking pellets like Nutrafin Max Sinking Complete Food Tablets or Hikari Sinking Wafers. For a single Cory you'll want to break them in 1/2. Twice a week I also put in a Hikari Algae Wafer. Again, you'll need to feed just a piece of it.

When I get him friends, does it matter if they are the same type of Cory? I'm almost positive he is an Albino.

He'll be a lot happier with his own kind. Maybe Jollysue, Drewry, Coryologist, Ian, or some of the other big guns can comment about this.

I thought you weren't supposed to replace the bio-wheel. There's a carbon filter that I change regularly, but the bio-wheel stays in there forever. That's what I got from the instructions.
I thought you weren't supposed to replace the bio-wheel. There's a carbon filter that I change regularly, but the bio-wheel stays in there forever. That's what I got from the instructions.

Hmm. From what I've read on various posts I surmised that ppl were replacing the wheel. Ok, my bad.

Not actually using a bio wheel I was referencing other ppls post such as:

(I hope this is legal).

However (trying to save face) I also think that using carbon is not that useful, unless you're trying the get rid of medications. I have taken out all of my charcoal and only use it if I want to specifically take out specifics. I use Ammo-Chips or bio material in its place.

I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong; I was just trying to pass on information gleaned from what I've read ie. that the bio-wheel is fantastics as a secondary filter. I could be wrong.

I tend to err on the side of caution. But I guess sometimes I am too cautious.
hi Kendalyn

i think its great u rescued the corydora and are willing to get it some tank mates to make it happy :good:
you should keep it with the same speices really as they seem to interact more with there own kind
but without a pic its hard to ID , im gessing its a C. aeneus albino in wich case bronze are the same speices but a differnt coulor so if you carnt get any albino , bronze will be ok.
but if you find you carnt get any of them i supose a differnt speices altogether is better than none :good:
Ahh ok, I see what you mean about the filter. I will see if I can find some sort of sponge that I can use instead of the carbon filters. Should I be able to find something like that at an aquarium shop? It'll be nice to not be constantly changing those filters anyway.

I agree with you about the moss wall BTW. I think it would be way too much for a small tank. I do want to try some but I think I'll stick to a small patch either on the floor of the tank or attached to a wood hidey hole thing I already have in the tank.

I will try and find the little guy some friends of his own kind. I can try to get a picture tomorrow. Too busy working yesterday and today.

I really appreciate all the help!
A couple of questions? Are you guys talking nitrates or nitrites? Nitrites should be 0 along with ammonia. Any reading in nitrites indicates a mini cycle. Nitrates are commonly at 20 and for the common Java sword, moss and anacharis tank it shouldn't be a problem. Although I am not very knowledgable about planted tanks. I have plants, but I dont have any major planted tanks. I just throw the plants in and see what happens. So I really don't know what I am talking about as far as the Nitrate level for plants.

As to Eclipse tanks, I have several large ones as well as Eclipse and Emperor filters. These all use the carbon inserts and biowheels. I love them, although the inserts are expensive, they are handy. Correct, the bio wheels are not changed. The filter inserts also will grow the nitifying bacteria. I have found ways to add wool and other helps to the biowheel filter systems.

You will find that the inserts will need to be changed more often as the fish load increases or you add plants. I really depend on the ease of the filter inserts with all my tanks. I find the Whisper, Aqua Clear, and canister filter maintenance to get put off because they are labor intensive.

The carbon is active for just a short time, BTW.

The lights in the Eclipse 6 should do well for a low to medium level planting.

I also have sponge and box, as well as drip filtration. Often I will have 2 or 3 filters of different kinds on a tank. The only thing I have not been able to get set up are the air pump sponge filters. :( I have them I just can't figure them out.

Many of these things are a matter of preference. I like easy and will pay more for it.

Soak freeze dried blood worms first and I believe they will sink faster. A Cory tab or wafer is a good staple to feed the Cory.
Nitrates. Nitrites and Ammonia have all been zero. The Nitrate level reads just a bit over the baseline from my tap water which is naturally around 20. I would rather not have to use a different kind of water but I will if it's necessary. I am hoping plants will lower the nitrates.

I've been changing the carbon filters basically every time I go to the pet store. Sometimes it is 2 weeks in between, sometimes it is 1 week. I'd say an average is about every 10 days. With 3 cats and a dog plus the fish, I can't stay away very long. ;)

I will look for the Cory food tomorrow as a back up in case I can't get bloodworms to sink before the Betta gets them.
Yeah, that is the biggest problem I have had keeping Betta with other fish. The little piggy Betta always grab everything they can get to and then get sick. :(
Kendalyn, it sounds like your tap water is fine for a cory or a betta. The tank you have is very small for much in the way of cories. I have kept them alone in tanks with other small populations of fish, as you are doing now. Although they were not as active and playful as when they are in a group, they were healthy happy fish. If you don't have the room, I would not put the fish in the tank. Better a little less active fish than several stressed out by bad water chemistry. At least in my opinion. Cories seem to be able to tell quite well when the others in the tank are not the same species even while we have trouble telling some of them apart. They swim well and play well with their own but seem to ignore others who are not the same.
Thanks OldMan :)

So far my little Cory seems quite active although I don't have much to base that on. He has relaxed a lot since the first week and doesn't freak out so much about the Betta and about the cats watching him. I would like to add one more if I can find his same kind around here. I feel that 2 more might be pushing it though.
One more would make him feel a little better.
As far as plants... look at some anubias. There several types. They are attached to wood or rocks like the java ferns. The leaves will give the corys a little more spaces to hide, and more protection if the betta happens to get upset with them. Egeria densa is a good stem plant that grows well in most tanks. It is a faster growing plant. It works fairly well in small tanks. Rotala rotundifolia is another stem plant that would probably work pretty well.
The plants will help with keeping the water in good condition, but plants do better if you are not running carbon in the filter.
I would love to see a pic of your cory if you can get one. :good:
Let us know how it goes...

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