New Cory - Bad Situation

I tried to take some pictures of my little guy. He wasn't being that cooperative, especially after the first couple pictures. :shout: But I think I got some decent ones that'll give you an idea of what he looks like. I'd appreciate some help on an ID if anybody has an idea.



Also, please excuse the ugly plastic plants. I didn't even know you could put live plants in a fish tank. :blush: I'm pretty new to this. I am planning on taking them out and adding some live ones. I'm also probably going to change the substrate to sand.
Ya know, the more I looked at pictures on here, the more I started to suspect he might not be a Corydora. Hmmm... will have to go find info on loaches. Glad I haven't gone shopping yet!
Can you crop and enlarge these photos or take one of him in a small see through container, like a beanie box or some other plastic container.

I really can't see him well enough to see anything.

If you think he might be a loach, google for a catelog of loach species which are not a Catfish.

The only one I know, I can't post here.

Or post a link to a larger pic.
I tried to get some better pictures. I did do some research on loaches but I can't find anything like him. I found some loaches with the right body type but not the right color.


OK. I figured it out. It's a Golden Chinese Algae Eater. Well I can attest to the algae eating part. He's cleaned the entire tank! I'm just hoping he's not going to get huge. Time to go learn about them! I see I'm in the wrong section now though! :lol:
Good job.

When I saw your first pictures I through it looked weird for a Cory but put it down to your camera angle and shooting through the glass on an angle.

If it's an algae eater better go buy some algae sinking wafers and put some blanched zucchini into the tank.
It's worse than I thought. Apparently this thing is not only going to get huge but it's also going to be aggressive and will probably attack my Betta. :unsure: :crazy:

I think I'm going to try and find it a new home.
So far any that I've called won't take it as they can't be sure it isn't sick or carrying some sort of disease. I really don't know what I'm going to do with it!
I found one place that said to call back in a week and maybe they could take him from me. I think I will show up next Monday with him and beg them to find him a good home. Maybe if they see he is in good shape they'll take pity on me. :unsure:
hi Kendalyn

i was going to say it looked like a Chinese Algae Eater but wasnt shaw from the pic ,
yeah they do grow pretty big i had one a wile ago a differnt coulor and it started attacking my corydoras so i had to get rid of it in the end
Are you sure it is a Chinese algae eater? There are some different kinds that are very similar. There is one that is a really good guy and hard to find. The two most readily confused are the CAE/Chinese Algae Eater and the SAE Siamese Algae Eater. The SAE is considered quite a catch. :)

Comparison of Algae eating Cyprinids
Thanks for the link :nod:

The mouth parts on the Chinese Algae Eater pictures most resemble my fish. Plus, all the pictures I've seen of the Siamese Algae Eaters are a different color. Do Siamese Algae Eaters come in a lot of different colors?

The fish shown in this link, looks exactly like mine:

Either way, I am also very concerned about how big he will get. I really don't want to get a larger tank in a year or two when he's outgrown my small one.
I really only skimmed the link briefly, but I do remember it saying that the SAE had to be moving all the time to stay midlevel. The minute it stopped it would sink to the bottom. It has a weak swimbladder or something.

It would be easier to place an SAE. If you could find out where it was originally bought....

I really appreciate my lps. They will take at least an exchange on anything I bring them. At least that is what they tell me. I haven't tested it out.LOL

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