New checklist

mlee0332 said:
air pump
air stones
air line
WhenI first started my tanks none of them had the Air pump and ect. I heard they were 'vital' in my home aquarium, so I went out and bought all this crap I didn't need. I used this loud, obnoxiouse air pump that never ceased. I used it for about 4 months. I just got annoyed with it and gave the air pumps to my cousin (He's also intrested in the hobby).
My tanks have been running perfectly for the 2 months I havn't had them. No one has died, gotten sick. So, it might help some people with larger tanks, but with a couple 10G's, you dont need that. But your getting a 29G correct? So you prolly do need them.
well I went out and bought it to day...

I got a $10 air pump that, surprizingly, is MUCH quieter than my $20!!! I have 3 air pumps going in the same room now, and I barely hear them, so I'm not worried. Now I don't really plan to worry with plants, so CO2 is no prob! I am VERY pleased with the together kit b/c it came with a top notch filter (good thing I didn't buy the same one again today!) Also, I plan to put more than the 1" rule No more than 29-30, but I want a few 2-3" fellows.

now my next ?,
what can I mix with the following?

(2) neon tetras
(4) guppies (2) male (2) female
(4) white clouds ( I find these quite hardy... I have only lost 1 and that was b/c he was so little, he got sucked up by my filter) Their the only fish I have ever had longer than 2 months :lol:
Sorry, i messed up here......................................
Ethos said:
mlee0332 said:
air pump
air stones
air line
WhenI first started my tanks none of them had the Air pump and ect. I heard they were 'vital' in my home aquarium, so I went out and bought all this crap I didn't need. I used this loud, obnoxiouse air pump that never ceased. I used it for about 4 months. I just got annoyed with it and gave the air pumps to my cousin (He's also intrested in the hobby).
My tanks have been running perfectly for the 2 months I havn't had them. No one has died, gotten sick. So, it might help some people with larger tanks, but with a couple 10G's, you dont need that. But your getting a 29G correct? So you prolly do need them.

yes I am gettin a 29g and I can already tell by the little bits of debris that the air pump is needed... The water doesn't move very much...
You need some more neons, they need to shoal - prob 4 more. I'd get 10 more but I :wub: neons and cardinals! I think the same goes for the minnows? You also need a couple more female guppies, otherwise the ones you've got will get very tired from the guy guppies chasing them all the time.... How about a couple of cories and/or a small plec like a bristlenose or a rubberlip? Or some small loaches like kuhlis or zebras? Watch out for tiger loaches - they nip other fish!

Maybe a pair of dwarf cichlids? Rams or kribs or apistos? they really have character - gotta love cichlids!! And they get a bit bigger than the guppies and neons.

think my ideas have run out for now, hope this helps!

I would rethink your stocking choice, The minnows are cold water fish and are schooling fish. The neons are schooling fish and are tropical fish. The guppies, will reproduce like crazy. If your into livebeares go for them but you shouldnt go for the minnows, just up the neon school to like 10. If more stocking comes to mind just say it, better to know if theres problems then to create them. As for 20 gallons The 20 long is the same as the 29 gallon, just 6 inches off the height. And air pumps help put oxygen into the water, so idk about not having one or having one. IMO renas are preety nice I have one myself and its quiet.

I love loaches. I would go for some like sarah suggested, maybe some yo yos or some coolies. Just dont get any clown loaches, their the most common in lfs and they need a large tank.
I thought that's what you meant. How come they can't go with the others? I've had them for ever together and they have done fine. Even the tag on the tank says they're compatible tank mates (tag on tank at my LFS).

If they really can't go together, like would it cause a problem for them, what do you suggest I do with them? I am soon to be getting rid of my 10s (givin' 'em to my bros) and only having the 29g. I plan to give them each a female guppy with the tanks so I don't have them breeding all the time...

I do like loaches (clown loaches). I also like corys, especially the metalic green ones!!! Could i put all the ones I have with them except the minnows?

I also like some of those fish that are flat and large, like the discus, but they're not called that. I cant recall the names. There is only 3 color choices of them at my LFS: light blue, Light green, Light pink. Could I have some of those? I'll try to find the names...

I like zebra danios, but i hear they can be quite mean. Is that so? If not are those a poss.

About the rest of the fish you mentioned (FrAnK3333), I really dont know if my store sells those, nor I have heard of them. :*) ( as you can see i'm fairly new to the hobby, but i love it! :D )

Sorry to say this, but i HATE Platies!!! I have had 2 at one time and they were So agravating. Everytime i turned around they were hung up in something :angry: , so I won't be thinking of anything like those.

How about any of the other types of tetras, maybe a larger species, that have lots of color.

I saw a cherry barb, I know tigers are mean, but it don't say that these are, but are they? Just want to be sure. ;)
Its good asking questions. Clown loaches are a huge no no. They grow to 12 inches, ususally 8, but you need a 75 gallon for them. As for the minnows they should be fine, its the fact their cold water fish.
Sorry to say but all the fish you want you cant really have, you can have some, but not all. Danios are not mean when kept in schools, but I wouldnt get them if I were you, you need to beef up the schools you have now. As for the cichlid you seen find out the name, most likly tthough if it gets big you cant have it. FOr the loaches I stated just ask or call lfs and try to find them. If you would like to see pictures of the loaches I said go to
Here is what I would put in your tank.
-10 neons
-5 white clouds
-4 guppies(the ones you have now)
-3 cories or 3 small loaches
-3 otos
-MAYBE 2 rams
They would fill your tank up. The only problem is the guppies, they breed too much IMO, but I dislike livebeares.
What exactly are Rams? I've never heard of them... Are they colorful and ACTIVE? I like the types of fish that swim all over the place.

Could I put one of those dark blue sharks with red fins in with these? -or for that matter any types. I think they look good, but I know they are semi aggressive (some atleast).

I'm actually planning to rid myself of the 2 female gupps by giving them to my brothers. I only have 3 tanks and I told them (b/f i got gupps) that when I got my 29g that I would give them the 2 tens. I plan to give them each one female, b/c I will not have a tank set up for baby guppies any more. Maybe when I raise some more $$$ I will get them back so I can have the babies, but not now. So that takes care of one problem.

Honestly, will the minnows be in danger? I keep the tank between 72-76 degrees F all of the time and all of the fish seem to be fine...
No sharks really fit the tank, and red finned shark but its semi agressive. Rams, which are in the fish index in this site, are active and colorful. The minnows should be fine.
yes i think they look good. I know for a fact now that my lfs doesn't have them though (rams)

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