New Catfish In Town.

they can survive short times out of water - hence the name - in nature they can cross land to find a mate/food etc.
That's great.....I have all the things that the walking catfish like decoration,plastic plants, caves and also a back ground. I will be on my way today to bring one walking catfish. oh and do they need some air stones and filters, i've heard that they breath from our air almost like gouramis and bettas.I will post a picture of my catfish as soon as I bring him/her home, I would like to share my catfish pics with all of you. you know a lot about catfishes too indigo not only oscars.....that's awsome!!do have one?
I do have a 16" clarias. Filter is a must, I use airstones on all tanks as a matter of course but as long as the water is oxygenated somehow it is personal choice.

How big is the one you are getting? They grow pretty quickly.
I do have a 16" clarias. Filter is a must, I use airstones on all tanks as a matter of course but as long as the water is oxygenated somehow it is personal choice.

How big is the one you are getting? They grow pretty quickly.
Well, that is the quistion that I didn't asked my self..... how big will I bring home?! maybe no too big and too small not even medium maybe a little bit smaller than medium :blush: what do think? and do want to say that the water should have an air stone?
will it be in a tank alone or with other fish? this kind of guides the size you should get. Remember a 6" one will hit 12" in just a couple of months with good conditions.
will it be in a tank alone or with other fish? this kind of guides the size you should get. Remember a 6" one will hit 12" in just a couple of months with good conditions.
you can say it's going to be alone or maybe with top level fishes like zebra danios, wich won't harmed by the it a good idea? I don't want to see any of of my fishes torn apart and ripped into pieces...
Can't guarantee it won't touch the danios - I was given mine because it was eating smaller fish, now it is happy to leave anything fast alone but I wouldn't risk anything under 4-5 inches.
Can't guarantee it won't touch the danios - I was given mine because it was eating smaller fish, now it is happy to leave anything fast alone but I wouldn't risk anything under 4-5 inches.
thanks for warning me.....that a was close one... oh and you might think that I will keep it in the oscar tank, well won't, I know how bad oscars can get with new tank mates around.!
I kept mine happily with Oscars.
say what???? oscars live happily with other fish?! that is oscar (in singnature) had taked down a jaguar cichlid in a 310 gallon tank. ever since than the oscar had so vicouse distroying anything in its way even bogwood, rocks, plants and even a heater!! in my opinion oscars are a the most srongest of all cichlids.
guess it's all down to temperament of the individual oscar and the other fish. it worked for me. oscars can live happily with some other fish, I'd say not other cichlids though.
guess it's all down to temperament of the individual oscar and the other fish. it worked for me. oscars can live happily with some other fish, I'd say not other cichlids though.
oh, this explains a lot maybe I will house the catfish with oscar fish, I wonder what will happen if the oscars happened to breed hahahahaha looooooool!!!
What size tanks have you got?

Pics please when you get the cat!
Good luck if you get him

I once had a 17 or so inch albino one and as amazing as it was toowatch swimming around it was a pain in the #16##### as it moved gravel and caves around and battered to death any fish that went in there save for an african knifefish that was there before it

I added some lovely 8 inch plus long tinfoils once and a large oscar and lrge gibby all at different times an he battered each of them

Good luck
LOL sounds like yours was a bully.

Mine chases the kissing gourami now and then but generally leave them be.
LOL sounds like yours was a bully.

Mine chases the kissing gourami now and then but generally leave them be.

he was but a beaut at the same time very impressive looking fish :good:

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