New Big Ear Plakat Betta

Onidrase, I can't pronounce it so the kids won't be able to, but thanks for the suggestion anyway

I like Sonic, but I'm not sure it suits him. He's very inquisitive, so I may call him Parker, as in nosey Parker! Lol
Sir Franklemeyer Glopstalinharbunckle the Quick

Sound it out with me

Sir Frankle Meyer Glop Stalin Har Bunkle The Quick

Onidrase, I can't pronounce it so the kids won't be able to, but thanks for the suggestion anyway ��

I like Sonic, but I'm not sure it suits him. He's very inquisitive, so I may call him Parker, as in nosey Parker! Lol
Sir Franklemeyer Glopstalinharbunckle the Quick

Sound it out with me

Sir Frankle Meyer Glop Stalin Har Bunkle The Quick


where do you come up with these names?? :#
I named mine Tantor(From tarzan), but that name would be more fitting yours as it is somewhat red.
How about Spock as a name?

or failing that

Zarkov, Ming, Vultan or Randor
After looking at him ... If he were mine, I quite like:
Rojo (Spanish for red)
If he's fast what about Taz? As in Tazmanian Devil or Road Runner(Meep Meep)...
Looks like he's holding pom-poms. :fun:

Could be called Flick - a combo of flashy and quick.

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