new bettas!

As I said in chat, those are some lovely bettas. :nod:

My fave is definitely the rose HM. :wub:
Might I say, you have quite nice taste for someone who hasn't been in bettas previously (or have you?). Either way, great choices, and nice deals. :thumbs:
thanks everyone! no julie, this is the first attempt. i did do alot of research on them and also studied the ibc standards so i would have some type of guide in choosing them.

curse you comet cattle! add these to the growing group now! :*) these are all from marianne at bcbettas. the first is the red cambo with 2 spawn sisters at the bottom of this page.

next is the second one down on this page. no mate available though. so hunting!

last is this pair. i just couldn't resist the orange cellophanes.

have 24-1 gallon tanks for the individual bettas. 1-10. 3-20, 2-30 and 1-40 gallon tanks with heaters and sponge filters for spawning and grow outs. the worm cultures are started. :sick: the first pair, the royal blue hm's are due to arrive this friday.
Right on. You're well prepared with lots of stock to choose from. :thumbs:

Now brace yourself to be drowned in water changes and buying dechlorinator by the gallons :p :rofl:
well i do water changes now on a 240, 180, 120, 85, 55 already. a few more won't hurt! :rofl: :rofl: i'm really only 25, the pruney water changing skin just makes me look older :p that's my excuse and i am sticking to it!

the bettas arriving is good timing though as the kids are starting school next week and i finally (!) have the day all to myself! :drool: guess i solved the question, what will i do with all that time!

these little baby tanks are starting to make me nervous though!
lol, you can more than likely expect to see them on bidafish! i have yet to get into the plakats yet. just the hm and ct so far.

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