New Betta

kewl kewl, ill search for that filter. And i said i already have a heater pal... Just unsure of what temp to set it at. what sort of themomiter am i after?

This the one? And would that not cause a loud of water current?

Its only a small tank remember lol
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Go into your local fish shop and they should have thermometers for tanks usually 2 types one is the standard magnesium thermom that goes into the tank usually and the other is a black strip with thermoreactive dies inside i.e. changes the colour highlighting the temperature I have mine fitted to the outside of the tank.
We have 2 of them :good: They filter tanks from 1 gallon - 9 gallons and are adjustable :good: We have 1 in a 4 gallon tank and the other in a 3 gal.
Looks alrite mate :good:

Yeh, if you get the filter you either have to -

a) carry out approx 50% water changes every other day while it cycles, or
b) get a bit of mature media from someone who has a mature tank or maybe your lfs.

If you run without it, your going to need to do 50% every other day anyway.
Just ordered it, So iv i have to do 50% water change every few days. How long does it take to "cycle"
Do a 40-50% every other day. It will take a while cus bettas aren't extra messy. You need to the water changes to stop the ammonia hurting the fish, but at the same time the filter needs ammonia to start the cycle. There is another option, albeit a bit old fasioned lol Get a bucket, fill it with dechlor water, stick the filter in it and turn it on. Add a bit of fish food daily which will break down causing ammonia. You need to monitor the ammonia levels as you would a fishless cycle (see fishless cycle pinned). Alternatively, get a bottle of ammonia from your lfs or online and use that to fishless cycle in the bucket :good:
The seller emailed me just, she's been in a car crash and carnt post him to me for thursday, will be next week unless i want a refund.

So i asked can i have a free female to compansate me, but worded it nicer =P haha. Iv got to try... she can only say no.
"yes thats not a problem i will send an unrelated crowntail female along with him as an apology least i can do, thanks again, and sorry for your inconvinience, regards Vicky"

Yay, two for the price of one...!

Know going off that tank iv got. Its abit too much to split it into 3 parts isnt it? bumma because id really liek them all in one tank, heated and filtered rather than one being on his/her own without the heater or filter. Mines 16" x 8" x 8"

Too small for three???

Spent £70 on fish stuff these last two days so i dont really wanna buy anymore lol

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