New Betta

She's precious! I love the tiny bit of purple/red on her caudal :*

Just an FYI, breeding bars are light in color - which is why it's almost impossible to see them on light-colored girls. You can tell if she's ready if she is full of eggs, and showing lots of interest in the male and hopefully going in the tail-up pose. Good luck with spawning! It's definitely one of the hardest things I've done but it has been really fun. I hope it's rewarding for you!
Someone said breeding bars were light on bettas? My girls have had dark bars with light gaps I suppose its to do with the colouring of the betta?

Anyhow I think you should give it a go if you want! Personally I think you would get nice babies from that pair! IMO!
Thank you! Yeah, I'm going to give it a go maybe this weekend or early next week. She's definitely interested in him i'll check tonight if she looks full of eggs and there are a ton of bubbles all around bourei's tank. And hey, if I am overwhelmed after first spawning, then i know, just don't spawn them again, but I'm pretty sure it'll turn out ok...
Make sure you have a brine shrimp hatchery if you do have a go lol! Even if she isnt full of eggs she'll still have some so you wont have a large spawn! :D
Make sure you have a brine shrimp hatchery if you do have a go lol! Even if she isnt full of eggs she'll still have some so you wont have a large spawn! :D

hehehe thanks natsuko...i'll probably drive you nuts as soon as I start this :hey:
Drive me nuts as if you'd ever manage that you know I'm nuttier than you lol!

Anyway you know what I think to breeding! have a go then if you like it get a larger place more tanks loads more different bettas and do it full time and open your own business, which of course I'll be part of :D I'll have the UK office!
Drive me nuts as if you'd ever manage that you know I'm nuttier than you lol!

Anyway you know what I think to breeding! have a go then if you like it get a larger place more tanks loads more different bettas and do it full time and open your own business, which of course I'll be part of :D I'll have the UK office!


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