New Betta

... But yeah you have 2x 1gallons I must steal them from your home. Muhahahahahaha :devil: ... :lol: ... JK ... or am I?
:blink: :crazy:
I must run!
I hate how I never get to see the good looking Bettas at HarMar.
Maybe its a gift all the other betta people were born with, yet I wasen't.
Maybe I'm not a true betta person?
This hurts.
They don't mind you moving around the tanks, just as long as you put them back. The best CT are on the second to bottom shelf, in the middle row. The best VT's are one the second shelf, and twords the back. The best PK's and HM's are over by the hermit crab supplies anywere. and the wild caught speldens (which aren't too impresive) are by the rodent pets.
And the wild caught speldens (which aren't too impresive) are by the rodent pets.
I thought they only had 2 different spots?
Do you know how much the go for?
What would make you buy them rather than another captive bred betta?
$40 for a Betta?
Might as well buy a better betta for that price on Aqua Bid.
I called HarMar today, they're not stocked very well. :/
It is if you are like me.
Plus, you need to know where they keep the good bettas.

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