New Betta.. Identification Help Needed!


Mostly New Member
Aug 12, 2016
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Good morning all,

I decided it was time to adopt a betta after a couple years without one. I set up a tank and selected one from petsmart. I'm now wondering what he is! Or if he is really a he.

He was sold as a Dumbo Halfmoon Male. But die to his fun size I'm wondering if it's something else. He is an elephant ear/ dumbo, but even that fin size seems on the small size. I'm thinking he's 1) a dumbo plakat halfmoon 2) really a she or 3) just young

I can usually find the misidentified females but this guy holds fins covering the area I'd identify a female.

If it's young, how long does it take for fins to develop?

I have him in a 2 gallon, will upgrade him to a 10 eventually but closely monitor the water and Temps in the meantime. He lost a bit of color once I got him, and he refuses to eat. I'm hoping it's just the stress of moving from that tiny jar into a tank. Any thoughts welcome.


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There are many betta fishkeepers here on this forum, so someone is bound to help you out loads sooner or later.
I have never had a betta so I will be of little help :lol:
first off, a picture would be great help please

also it takes about 1 year for FULL fins to develop on a male Betta. Telling a male from female Betta is simple, you most likely have a male if your struggling with what gender he is. also its just stress, if he doesn't eat or lost color

Also a Bettas lifespan is 3-4 years if treated properly, just a "Fun Fact"
Sorry.. LOL I added a picture from my phone but apparently... my phone decided to be stubborn. Edited the orig post with the picture. Whoops!
BettaBettas - Thanks :) My bettas in the past have lived around 3 years. One lasted to 4 but was tiny tiny when I got him. (way too young IMO. He was too little to eat anything but baby brine shrimp... thanks Petco. 
) One only lasted a year but I rescued him from a mom and pop petstore I worked at. he came in looking horrible... fin rot, colorless gray and looking miserable. His water was disgusting and I ended up calling our supplier about the fish's condition and threatening to change suppliers if it happened again. By the time he passed away he was bright blue and green, fins had come back to a healthy state and he was the most active betta I had! 
Since he is stressed out, should his water temp be higher? It's around 77 right now. 
Is she? Thanks!
 I wondered but her fins hide the egg spot so i wasn't sure. I'm fine with that!  
Thanks again
Well guess its a moot point. Found her belly up on the bottom on her tank. 
  I'm guessing she just got too stressed or something was wrong from the get go. Will try again after I've sanitized and recycled the tank. 
Ah, am sorry to hear that :/
I have to ask, since this seemed to happen fairly quickly, was this tank cycled?
Yes I had fully cycled the tank before even purchasing her.

She never ate a thing and lost her color. She was completely inactive too. I was planning to try blood worms and see if that would perk her up since she had no interest in pellets but she passed before I was able to. She slept in a plant by the surface all day. I think the poor little girl was just sick when I got her and the stress of environment change threw her over.

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