New Beginnings

Yesterday was the first water change after the new dosing regime. I used the opportunity to plant my new plants and I really need to add some substrate at the back of the tank. My blyxa and the new plants are not staying put. In total there is about 6 cms of substrate, but a big part of that is the nutrient rich soil in a bag through I cannot plant. So in reality, I have only about 2 cms or so to plant in and that is not enough.

I am happy to see some new growth at the rotala already. I was worried that my rotala trim wasn't low enough but after having seen Ian's height, I feel more confident. I reassured myself that I shouldn't forget that the rotala is at the back and not at the front like in Liz' Dutch scape. A large part of my rotala is covered (sight wise) by the crypts.

I got some larger leaved crypts in my package and have planted them in the mean time in the back on the right. They have not yet perked up (need to get some light) so will take pictures tonight when they are a bit straighter.
No pictures of the new arrangement as the crypts started floating and I decided it was urgent to add the extra substrate. Of course this clouded the whole tank!

According to the person that sent it to me the new crypt is c. moehlmanni, very similar to pontederiifolia. I like the large leaves; they will set off nicely against the c. balansae. Here is a picture of it:


I also got myself yesterday microsorum pteropus 'windelov'; a very large piece for only 3 dollars! Some more blyxia and limnophila/myriophyllum. From the latter I don't know what it is. It has some emersed growth though which might help with the identification. Most lfs here have the 3 plants for 10 dollars offer here, which is great if you find the right ones. It was a pity though they only had 1 bunch left of the unknown plant.




Any ideas on this last one are highly appreciated. I am leaning towards limnophila aquatica. What do you guys say?

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