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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Nice fishes CM...but I didn't see any Puffers there :sad: ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

...oh and nice teaser there with the almost profile shot, I figured I would give people a close up for ya :p


  • cm.jpg
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CM, great looking fish. I got my L30 peppermint pleco from CM. A very handsome fish, looks exactly like the picture. And healthy, too. OK, here's your plug CM: BUY YOU FISH FROM CM. HE IS THE BEST FISH DEALER EVER BORN. AND QUITE HANDSOME, TOO! :hooray:
:lol: :lol: good one Puffer.....I was going to say, we were shorted.... we only got 1/2 a pic mysterious that CM :grr:

Nice fish CM, love the plecs

Nice looking fish. Your reputation goes before you.

Tanked. Pity you do not live in the UK as I breed black angels all the time, (amongst many other colour varieties).

Thanks everyone for the kind words. I try to deal only with reputable and quality suppliers.

Hey Puffer...........your gonna pay for that one..... :p :p ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: J/K

I am a bit behind.....and I just read about your disaster.....Oh Man......that had to hurt! :hyper: :blink: :-(

How do you go about figuring if the stand you are making will support the weight being put on it?

Hubby is no carpenter, but he does pretty good, and I usually cover up little mistakes with pretty trim, wood filler, and a couple coats of paint.....we make a pretty good team.......but I want to be sure the stand he is making will support the 54 gal corner bowfront.......

And someone else asked about your insurance....are you covered there?
Hi Mama

54 US galls = approx 200 liters = 200 kilos (need to add tank weight + gravle)

When I was building my fish house I sat on the racking with my wife. Not quite the total weight of the tanks and water but its gives you some confidance that it will hold the weight. This was on each of the longs so the weight of the tanks is split between the two longs.

Get your hubby and the little pishes to sit/stand on the shelf.

Good use for the little pishes? :D :D :D


ps still love the dolphin :wub: :wub:
These two sites may be of some use:

Tank Weight


CM, those corys are CUTE little things. I'd love to see a close-up. They look really colorful! I kind of wish I hadn't bought my bronze corys, they are so skittish and unsociable. Anyway, great fish!

I used to be a licensed builder and cabinetmaker. I also built stands, cabinets and canopies for several fish shops way back when this was just a hobby for me.

It really is not that difficult.

The racks I build hold the tanks on end and not the normal front view way. If you go have a look see at the pics of my fishroom in the members pic forum (titled a breeders fishroom) you will see what I am talking about.

A whole different weight variance when done this way. When building a stand to hold a tank for normal viewing, the weight is evenly distributed over all four legs.....when building it to hold the tanks so viewing is from an end of the tank, the weight is distributed mainly on the front and back length pieces.

In other words the rack I built held four 20 long tanks so the two middle tanks were being supported only by the front and back cross piece. These are the two tanks that crashed.

Before this, I have never had a rack fail (knock on wood). I still do not consider this a rack failure so much as a human error.

My records clean!!! :lol: :lol:

Thanks everyone for the info......It isn't that I doubt hubby's ability to do this properly.....ummmmm well yea it is!!

Give him an old military gun in terrible shape, broken, scratched, and he will have it looking like new in no time, but the carpentry jobs are not really up his alley, but this one is coming along nicely.....should have it done by the end of the weekend. :D

CM...... I have seen your fish room pics, so has hubby, and my friend who also has MTD........ said..."I think that would fit in my living room!!"
:lol: :fun: :hyper:

Oh yea....I like the Dolphin suits you!!

Did you change your little avatar(sp) just to make me jealous???
are those some of your angels?

I got a good pic of my blackie I'll post it later
Hi Mama

I have to admit that the angels in the pic are not mine. I still do not have a digi cam, (I know a can scan standard pics).

You can try this siteAngelPlus to buy some black angels, They have some at the moment, (you may recognize the picture), a bit pricy compared to UK prices.

I think I have been to their site isn't really the price of the fish that gets me...its the cost of the shipping........but my friend and I have been talking and we are going to go in together and order some fish, but she wants discus, and I want angels....know of a place that sells both?

Hubby :wub: has gotten 7 guns in the mail this week :sly: ...I think it is my turn to get something in the mail!! :p :lol:

Please don't get the wrong idea..........He is a collector of relics, and military surplus...he doesn't use them for anything but shooting at the gun range...I think he did finally do in a bowling pin though!

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