New Aqyuarium In My Home.

I keep my Betta in a 115L (30g US) community tank, with carefully considered and selected tank mates. I would never consider trying Tetras or Guppies and I don't think I would risk trying Gouramis either because they are so closely related.

Observing mine I'd say this is probably as big a tank as a Betta could comfortably live in without giving too much extra space to tire him out. He happily swims the length of the tank and uses every level while out playing but I do get the impression from the way they swim that probably any larger and it would be too much hard work for them to patrol their domain.

Bagu's suggestion of Dwarf Chain Loaches is a great one, and with 50g they'll have plent space but you need at least 6 and ideally as many as possible to get the best out of them because they are timid in small groups. With a good size group you will see them all the time swimming at every level and having a great time. If you do go with a group be sure to get sand substrate, its safe for their barbels and they love digging in it- my sand looks like a golf ball with their nose prints :)
Your betta won't have any fins in no time. Neons are know for their nippiness. And I don't like the idea of bettas in huge aquariums either. Seems like they wouldn't know what ot do with all of the space.
Try reading the whole thread. The poster has already been given similar advice and already changed plans for the tank. As for the betta having too much space, do you know how they live in the wild?

Observing mine I'd say this is probably as big a tank as a Betta could comfortably live in without giving too much extra space to tire him out. He happily swims the length of the tank and uses every level while out playing but I do get the impression from the way they swim that probably any larger and it would be too much hard work for them to patrol their domain.
You probably have some fancy finned one like a halfmoon. A short fin betta (plakat/wild type/hybrid) should be able to swim effortlessly.
having so many people arguing in a thread will not only make us learn but it will even make us learn from each other and not learn a single thing but also learn different things in the same tell you guys the truth I'm enjoying reading the thread as more experts join in :good: and it is getting intresting too :hyper:

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